Zombies From Sector 9 film festival interview


Rob Ceus, welcome back. For those interested, an introduction to Rob. https://endertalon.blogspot.com/2020/08/interview-with-rob-ceus.html



Rob, I heard tell you well in film festivals. How many, where, and did you win any acknowledgments?

We were nominated for best special fx two times and one time nominated for best film and best director

So far we have won the price of best score so far


Rob, have you found a film distributor for your film?

We are working with some people in Japan and Dubai but I'm doing a release myself also

Rob, your next project you were looking into it before lockdown can you talk about it?

It will be a mix of Natural Born Killers and Texas Chainsaw Massacre from the dollar store

Rob, you shot a short film for youtube. Can you show it or is it still under wraps?


Rob, your script for your next movie is it a continuation of Sector 9

No but we are already writing the script for a sequel to Sector 9

Rob, curious what creativity have you been up to with your posters?  Can you show any work and design platforms where you are selling your posters?

I just sell my posters through my FB profiles

The artist is Stefan Motmans from STEMO ART


Rob, music wise do you have any new music? Any Youtube or other videos of your work you are willing to share?

I made these music videos




Rob, have you started anything new book,music, movie, or workwise you might not have done if you were not on lockdown?

I am working on props for the sequel to Sector 9 during Lockdowns

Rob, any new music bands, or types of music you are into or promoting?

Nothing special

 I'm afraid not

Rob, what is Belgium like these days under lockdown?

I have no idea, I don't go out much to begin with to be honest

Pretty boring I can say that

Rob, politically what do you think is going to happen soon?

I think a new system is coming

Rob, you are into monster horror films and actors, actress. Can you talk about the group?

I am defiantly into body horror films and monster films

Rob, what question do you wish I had asked and did not? And what is the answer to that question?

I have no idea my friend but you can always ask more questions later if you think of something


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