Interview with Rob Ceus

    1. Rob, Zombies from Sector 9 is your ninth credit for movies. What made you want to make a zombie feature film this time versus serial killer? - add a photo you want in a blog to feature your film here please when.

             I started out in 2016 with the shooting of Zombies from Sector 9, so actually this is my first film I ever 
took 4 years to finish the film.
The first project I worked on was with Zombies and that was a short film and I wanted to make a longer zombie film.


2.    Rob imdb says Belgium on your profile. Is that where you are from? Are there lots of horror films being produced there? Where are you getting your inspiration?

Yes I am from Belgium and no not really.
Not that much horror films are being made here.
Some but not many.
I get my inspiration from old 70’s 80’s and 90’s movies and out of life experiences.

3.    To get to know you a little, what one story do you want readers to read and remember you about your work?

I prefer to work old skool style with practical effects most of the time
We are basically a two person machine that tries to produce and direct as much films as possible with the budgets we have available.

4.    The year 1986 and the power plant scene. There is an assumption made by me, because the actors are speaking English everyone is assuming the movie is in America. Is that correct or is that part of the mystery of the film??

The movie is set in a fictitious town called Crittersville in America.

5.    So what is your vision or goal in the industry? Meaning a movie every year or?

I would like to make several movies a year or one every year.
For now it took me 4 years to make my first feature film.
I hope I can gather more budgets soon and start a new feature film.

6.    What actors, actresses, or production houses would you want to work with?

Affordable ones lol.
I work with the actors and actresses I can get actually.
And most of the actors are dead already.
The last years a lot of good actors and actresses have died.
Rutger Hauer, John Saxon, Brian Dennehy to name a few.

7.     How did you get started in the movie business?

I started out in 2008 with a small make up effects gig for Dr Chris his film Silence ça tue.
After that I didn’t really purchase my talents in make up until a friend started a film in 2014 and asked me to do make up effects.
After this assignment I thought it was time to start making films myself.
I started with a friend on Bridezombie 2015 and right after that in 2016 I started Zombies from Sector 9.
In the meantime I have made 3 shortfilms and 2 music videos.
Dismembered,  The Writer, and Slime.


                                                        The Writer


I hope to start shooting my next feature film soon when I get more budget together

8.How much was your budget for Zombies from Sector 9

Around 5000 euro approx.

9.How did you get people like Richard Raaphorst and Brian Paulin involved?

I got to know them on facebook and asked if they wanted to be apart of the film
Richard Raaphorst came all the way from the Netherlands to Belgium to play a scene and Brian Paulin among others recorded their clip in America and send me the footage to edit into the film

10.Any last words?

Thank you for the interview!
I appreciate it!!
If there is anything else you guys would like to know just shoot me a message at FB Rob Ceus or


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