Interview with Ms. Mirou


Looking for this exotic talented young actress and comedian Despina Mirou,you wonder how she can transform her self i so “many faces”!!She has the sensual beauty of Marylin Monroe, the  curvy body of Sophia Loren,and the comedy talent of Lucille Ball.A unique mix!This  comedy genius can transform herself from Jonny Depp to Lady Gaga face, the same successful!Same time she is strong in her drama roles!Apart from her blooming career ,Mirou has also completed studio si Film Comedy directors,and Planetary astronomy & SETI.

Thank you for the opportunity for an interview. Ms. Mirou, Can you tell my readers about yourself? Professional Actress, Producer, Writer, etc. And a bit about your life.

Ciao,I am a professional actress,writer ,Stand Up comedian and astronomer.Is my pleasure and my honor to give an interview for the beautiful country of Bolivia. I would love to come and do Stand Up show,or some film in your country.I am passionate ,workaholic,with sense of humor in life,I don’t watch tv{not even my tv series},I am reading a lot ,study and write a lot.I started my career in Europe,Greece and now I am in Los Angeles.I love USA because they recognized my talent and I have work in big channels like HBO, NETFLIX, and in very good tv series there.I m Lucky.In my life i have the pleasure to have a twin sister.I grew up in North Greece and I was an excellent student ,I received my 2 writing awards when I was 13th for a novel, and 14 for a poetry .I received 2 writing Diploma wards .I still remove that I drew a lot and wrote all the time.

Ms. Mirou, stories make up people. The stories we tell about ourselves are personal. What story do you wish everyone knew about you?

That I had the honor and pleasure to have in my acting first year in LA ,as my acting teacher, one of the biggest actors ever :Al Pacino.That  days of learning acting with Al Pacino,is a gold era for me.I  was so happy,so focus ,so thirsty for learning acting from such a great actor!I felt ecstasy! We are not so many students this class,He choose 13 only.He taught to as the difference in drama, from screen  to the theatrical stage.He  gave me the character of “Salome” to work,the play of Oscar Wilde.All this is important, because he don’t use to teach.Now he is the Co-President of the Actors Studio.

Ms. Mirou, can you tell as about HBO, NETFLIX, and other big channels that you played ? Can you provide details on what they were ?

My first appearance in American Tv was  In 2015 in New York when I did stand-up at the N. Y. Comedy club, where I impersonated Lucille Ball and the show aired on HBO.Later I played in HBO drama Tv series 'Show me a Hero”,with Oscar Isaak  directed by Paul Haggis.I still remember this amazing experience !After,I  did a video "Californication" with Farah Mokrani for MTV, The drama Tv series in "Vox Influx" , I was in the drama film "Vamp Bikers Dos" the character of Queen Fellini in AMAZON,a year after I was in  Lifetime channel drama film "A Mother 's Sacrifice”,that I play Liz,later  in the TV Series "Made In Hollywood”,in 2019 I was participated  on NETFLIX comedy series 'On My Block". The Series received the "Teens Choice Award”. Directed
by Tommy Maddox,the DP of Spike Lee! 

Ms. Mirou, you just finished 12 future films in some sort of production coming out in 2021. Can you tell my readers about any of them? Meaning what are the stories behind the movie? What do you do in the movies?

I started my international career when I was a child,with an accomplished director like  Peter Bogdanovich in his  film "The cats meow”.After I did the drama film "Vamp Bikers Dos" the character of Queen Fellini in AMAZON, in  Lifetime channel drama film "A Mother 's Sacrifice", The comedy film about the health system ”Nurses do it Better”directed by Stephan Pacheco, in the drama film “Japanese Borsch” I play the role of fame fattalle Tangola,a fantasy woman that lives in the hero head, the film won the award of 'Best film in NY filmmakers Academy' in 2019. In 2020 in the comedy film "The Light Touch" I am  nominee for best actress award " in Maverick film festival.In 2020 I was participated in the comedy film “The Proposal “ In 2020 I finished another action drama film “The American Connection”, starring the living legend Faye Dunaway, and other actors like Daryl Hannah,Michael Madsen.It was a great experience play near this amazing cast.In 2020 I had ready 7 films.One more drama film "Still here", Recently in 2020 I finished the comedy film 'Tango Shalom" .Also,In summer of 2020 I  finished the biographical film "Affairs on Capri”,where I  played the role of iconic Elizabeth Taylor. In December of 2020 played the iconic actress Sophia Loren in the British film "So long Marianne",produced by Pinewoods studio of 2021 I will start shoot for the film "Damn'er" in Texas,the drama film "Cleightchaltug " together with the Chinese star Bai Ling,the  drama film "The Lawyer Decision”,and the comedy film "The Theory of the beauty". 

 Talk to as about stand up ?How many imperosnations are you doing?Which part was or is the funnest?

I started my stand-up comedy career at the New York Comedy Club, which was my first show. It was Halloween and I went on stage as Lucille Ball and wrote a monologue about her. The audience’s reaction was very enthusiastic. That night, my manager Mark Pritcher discovered me and asked me to come to LA. Since then, I frequently do stand-up shows in many different comedy clubs.I am also a theatrical actress; I have done a lot of classical theater before, including The Odd Couple by Neil Simon, Uncle Vanya by Chekhov, etc. I love to smell the wood of the stage and to have contact with the audience, especially through stand up. Last year alone, I locked in at least 200 shows. I have a strong passion for comedy, and I am a workaholic. My  faces impersonations include :Lucile Ball, Al Pacino, Melania Trupm , Nancy Pelosi,  Joan Crawford, Sofia Vergara, Ozzy Osbourne, Judge Judy, Kim Kardashian, Lady Gaga,J onny Depp,  Eminem, Bruno Mars, Penelope Cruz, Ariana Huffington, Cardi B ,  Marilyn Monroe, Liz Taylor, David Bowie, Fredy Mercury,  Jack Sparrow,  Elton John, Sophia Loren,  katy PerryLindsay Lohan , Ivana Trump,Frank Zappa, Bette Davis, etc.I established a stand-up career at various comedy clubs that I perform as a regular. I love the Comedy Store and Laugh Factory in LA, and the New York Comedy Club, Caroline’s,Stand Up New York etc. I’m a funny person, I like to laugh in my personal life and so in my professional life I enjoy more comedy roles! Paradoxically, though, I have received two writing awards for drama! It is funny because in a recent movie I get killed, and in another I kill somebody else LOL!


Ms. Mirou, the classic question: what charity do you work with and can you provide a link to it so others can see too please.

I am an  active member of “PATH”, means “People who Assist the Homeless “,an organization that helps homeless find shelter,food,health care,e,t,c.I am  member of the “Amnesty international” ,supports the human rights around the world.I  support “Children with Autism”.I spent many weeks to help children with Autism,I have  visited a number of hospitals throughout the years.I donated several times my income from many theatrical plays of  mine  to the Autism Children.  

During this time of lockdown, you made two future films playing 2 iconic cinema stars.Tell us about this!Also,what projects, movies, or other would be your dream role or movie production or project in the future with what actors or directors or what you dream about?

This year through the quarantine ,I was sooo lucky to made 2 big British films one about Elizabeth Taylor,”Affairs in Carpi ”and another film in Hydra that I play the iconic actress Sophia Loren.For me to performed in a crazy covid-19 year,two of the most legendary actress is the gift of my life and my career.All actress dream to play iconic talents one day.For me they was both amazing actresses and beauty icons.I was so happy ,same time I was very responsible to play them with respect and as much real as I can.So, I send tape and the casting director Suzanne Kendal write me back”You are in shock with your talent,you take the role”,,,I was doing a party that day to my self to celebrate ,,myself,,!!For Liz part I did Stand up comedy and the director discovered me there and asked me to do Taylor impersonation,I did it and I really had work up to her before played her in comedy clubs.That time was her biography film and he love affair with Richard Burton.The w ells actor Ed Ward play the character of Burton.The production was Excalibur Productions from London.For the Sophia Loren film ,director is Paul Wiffen ,and British actor Joe Vetch play the character of Leonard Cohen,Julita Deka is the DP,Producers are the Pinewoods Studio in London,Olympics films and the Scottish Palm tree entertainment,Rachael Sutherland.Also soon I will direct my first Future film.As an actress I want to play Edward Albee and Tennessee Williams in American stage soon too.

During this time of lockdown, after this  two future films  you made,what are you reading, watching movie wise?  If you have  movies please provide.

All this time that 5 months I was on set shoot for this two films about Sophia Loren and Liz Taylor ,I was very very busy.I work with the ‘Actors Studio” method ,means I was prepare my self hard before I go on set.The other months that I have to stay home in the lockdown,I wrote 3 new Stand Up comedy shows(to have material for after ),I wrote a book about Astronomy and space 300 pages,and I write a vocabulary with 2.590 ancient Greek dialect for North Greece,where is my heritage.So now I m ready to publish all of them.Same time one night per week,every Tuesday I did and still continue todo a Stand Up Comedy Show through zoom with amazing comedians in Los Angeles,host is the talented comedian Steven n Keibrough,Lot of people watching us ,every week I transform my self in a different character ,and for exile Lucille BALL ,Or Marylin Monroe ,Ozzy Osbourne and I talk about virus,etcThe only film I watch was a comedy with Roberto Begnini “The Monster”.

So,the fun part of the film industry is working on a movie.  However, each movie is like a project.  What part of the movie or project are you great at and how do you do it? And what part of the movie or project do you feel you still are working on to improve and how are you doing that?

I like a lot prepare the character.When I take a new character to play ,,,I m like a nun!I disappear and send my time up to create the character,same time I enjoy that.To improve this means a lot of rehearsals , ,a lot or research,and discovery.I like when i have to play opposite characters than me.Or face s in comedy that I did not even think I can do ,but I m bold.When I told to my manager “Hey tonight i m thinking to show up like …Elton John..or Freddie Mercury”,,he was very exciting,but same time for me that was a bet with myself.When i did it and the audience laugh so hard,I felt very satisfied.Thats why I like the Stand live and you can fell the audience reaction automatically,,in films you see this later in cinema.

It must have been great to work with such talent like with Michael Madsen, Faye Dunaway ,Michael Madsen,and Daryl Hannah on the project “American Connection”?

It’s a great honor to have worked with these legendary actors in the drama film American Connection by Jeff Espanol. I find this film to be the best dramatic role I’ve had in an American production. I’m on screen next to the living legend that is Faye Dunaway, as well as sharing scenes with the amazing Daryl Hannah. I play the role of a nun-spy (also named Despina, haha!), and it’s one of the most interesting things I’ve ever done, the style of which reminds me of Tarantino.As a nun-spy  I was ready to kill ,and same time I was sing the “Ave-Maria”!Without wanting to give too much away, in a crucial scene in the film, Michael Madsen,Ben Maccabee and Robert Miano’s characters attempt to use a weapon on me. However, an on-set malfunction made Madsen, an actor of great experience, improvise and pull a knife on me! When we went to do another take, Jeff Espanol was so impressed with the raw, improvised result that he decided against it.

You are also a sex symbol in Europe ,and now the International movies Data-Competition lists you as the most sexiest and talented actress ,you are between Bellucci andJolie!!How do you feel about it?

As Oscar Wilde said:Beauty is just five minutes long if you don’t have anything else to sustain that curiosity”!I believe talent is more important than beauty.Talent makes people look beautiful .

You received many awards! Can you talk about them and about your  Films awards in  film festivals?What is like receiving an ward fro the white house ?

My first writing awards when I was 13 and 14 years old was from New Literary Association, 1st  novel Prize,and 

*2nd Poetry Award.When I went in USA i had this honor to received the award in the White House from the US CONGRESS It was the award,“Excellence in Innovation “, 2012 in Washington DC.I still remember that day.In 2018  the ”Audience Favorite Stand Up Comedy Actress" Award 2018,Los Angeles, Same year I won "Original Screenplay Award” for future film “UnWritten” in Los Angeles,

In 2019 the ”Best Stand Up Comedy Actress Award "2019,in Hollywood. November 2019 I won Women Shaping The World Award“,in Washington DC together with Kathleen Kennedy (Robert Kennedy daughter).reOn 8 March 2020 I received theWoman of the Year Award“,in Los Angeles.Also,I am very sensitive for the people suffering from different causes. I would like all the humans to be peaceful, healthy and happy. I was honored to receive an “ASSEMBLY Certificate of Recognition” from the Legislature of California, about my hard work and dedication to the advancement of women of the 46th District,in March 2020.In September 2020 the “Best Future Comedy Film for the film ”The Light Touch”,in Sweden film FESTIVAL,Sweden Europe.Now just received an Official selection for   best film "The light tough" ,in Chicago Film Festival,Chicago.

A final question. What question do you wish I had asked?  And what would the answer be?

I love the question !This is not a final!You have to start with this Clinton!I m joking.ok,question :Despina what do you wish for the humanity ?answer:freedom my friend,in any level.Freedom of fear,freedom of mind,freedom of spirit!Thats real awake 

 10 comedy characters        

Despina Stand up in Laugh Factory

Despina Mirou 10 COMEDY CELEBRITIES impersonations

 Despina in the tonight Show Europe interview






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