Follow up interview with Bessy Adut



Ms. Adut, your interduction should allow people to know about you-

Ms. Adut, this is follow up on your ideology. Can you explain your movement?

Of course. Thanks for asking. I had an incident recently happened to me which I consider emotional abuse. I have fought against all kinds of abuse for the last few years of my life because I personally experienced a traumatic abuse in my past and promised myself to be a voice for the women unheard. This last incident has triggered my PTSD and caused me to react in a trauma response. Everyone’s sensitivities and principles are different. To some men and women it might be an okay and usual thing to be yelled at by a rude man with condescending and disrespectful comments and bad manners, but it isn’t for me. That’s why I stood up and I spoke up about it. I couldn’t find anyone by my side. Not the powerful people I expected to stand up for me. I believe they are all good, kind spirited people but I believe they are really badly confused. At the end of the day, after getting yelled at I was fired in a rush which gave me a feeling, some people must have pressured my boss to do such a thing because I still find it hard to believe why he simply wouldn’t ask that person to apologize from me. I feel like his hands are tied. I almost feel like he wants to me do this. He is a human rights supporter too and his movie is about a silenced journalist which is coming out to theaters and on streaming this Christmas. I recommend watching this thriller/documentary. I believe after watching it, you will agree that I am doing the right thing. Yes, I was told some other vague little things but if it wasn’t for that day, I know by heart, if I just kept my quiet, I would be still sitting at my desk. I had a friend advised me to be quiet for 10 days. I couldn’t do it. I just couldn’t stay silent to it. I feel like there happened an unfairness and I will keep speaking about it until things get to a fair place for everyone. I have hope and faith that the right people will hear me and understand me. Maybe some time needs to pass or they need to test that person themselves, check their bad temper, to see I am telling the truth. And I am sure then we will make peace. Meanwhile I’ll be helping out other women find the courage to speak up. 

Ms. Adut, can you talk about the censorhip you have felt about your movement?

Yes. I feel like I am being pressured to stop talking about this and just let it go. My social media is being scanned every minute. I know that now. But the more I am pressured not to speak, the louder I feel like speaking. I would prefer to resolve these matters privately and we are still working on that with the help of our lawyers. We are working on some peacemaking and finding a mutual ground. And yet, I see this as my 1st amendment and my right as freedom of speech and freedom of expression. And I mustn’t have to censor myself just because I know that I am being watched with some evil eyes, I have my protection by God and I am not afraid. I know they are not either.

Ms. Adut, many of my readers mostly men would disagree with your ideology at some point. And that is okay that is their right to also, however, how would you persuade them that what you are saying is right?

I can’t. I can’t persuade anyone. I’ve seen that during the process of elections. Everyone believes wholeheartedly what they believe in. And no matter what you say, some people aren’t just flexible enough to change their minds. I believe people who are open minded, have a vision and can think outside the box will understand what I am saying. More traditional, old fashioned people will possibly get upset as they don’t like seeing strong women with a big mouth. Everyone has an option to look away as everyone did when something wrong was done to me. They can look away from my social media if it’s not to their liking but I won’t stop what I am doing. Only thing changes is to let people know about the positive and negative changes happening in my life.


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