Interview with Bessy Adut

Bessy Adut, my readers will not be familiar with you or your work. Can you please walk us through your acting, producing, directing, career?

Ms.Adut, what genre of indie movies would you say you have produced? Could you please share links to where people could view them?

Hi, I have made different genre movies. My last short film was a horror short that won many awards at film festivals, it’s called “Escape Room” you can view it from this link: and here is a little sizzle I am developing right now: hoping it to be my first feature documentary film.

Ms. Adut, could you give a personal story that you wished everyone knew that would make them know what makes you. Well, you.

I didn’t have an easy life. Pretty much like fairytales really, I was first raised like a little princess. I had a happy childhood loving movies and my dad’s video camera to play with. Then I grew up, my parents got divorced and I became a product of a broken home. As an escape, I believe I leaned towards arts. I studied arts in high school and continued with film education. Both in my personal and professional life, I had too many heart breaks for a life time but I realize today that’s what made me who I am and stronger.

Ms. Adut, is there a feature film or new short film you are working or reading a script for that you would want to make? Or if you can say, what is your current project or motivation?

Yes there is. It is called “Searching for God (dess)” My motivation is to build a bridge between contradictions such as science vs. spirituality. Conflicts between different faith systems. Differences between atheists and religious people. I’ve actually found what I am searching for but I want to share it with the world: God is goodness and it’s in all of us.

Ms. Adut, the movie Memory: Time Traveling in Bits and Pieces you directed with a small budget of 5,000 how did the audience accept it? Where did you show it? Do you have a link for others to watch?

That was a movie I co-directed with my friend Terra Budreviciute who is also a writer and actress. At the time because of very low budget, I believe it got stuck in post hell. If it ever gets completed, I hope Terra would share with the rest of the world. It was a very interesting piece a combination of David Lynch and Twilight Zone, I’d say.

Ms. Adut, care to talk about yourself as a professional life. The variety of professional positions. Which part was or is the funnest or do you like the most?

You know, I love my current position. I work with a human rights activist/Oscar winning Director. I learn so much from him and working for him and his team. I really enjoy my work every day. I love what I do more than anything. I like communicating with people, I like getting things done fast and efficient. Problem solving is fun to me. And most fun thing is to defeat malicious people who try to bring me down and get kicked in the…

On a personal note, what is your favorite book? Or movies? Meaning this lockdown and this question is a way for my readers to find new books/movies to watch or read.

My favorite book changes as I keep reading books but most recently I’ll say Dante’s Divine Comedy. It’s a bit hard to understand because of the old English but when I was reading it, I felt like I literally walked through hell, purgatory and heaven. I felt like I am climbing the steps to heaven and it’s written with deep love, I can tell. Movies, last movie I watched at a movie theater was the latest adaptation of “Invisible Man” and I really enjoyed it, I’d watching again. Latest favorite TV show is “The Haunting of Bly Manor” I love the ending where it explains what it is perfectly. This is more of a love story. But isn’t all ghost stories in a way some love stories? I watched it twice, I recommend it!

What has made you happiest? Or what has made you proudest or glad you did?

I have to admit I am not a very bubbly person. I think I am at my happiest when someone I love give me the attention I need, makes me laugh, spends time with me, makes me feel appreciated and somewhat special. Little moments in life, like walking at the street hand in hand at night with my love or making out in a car or a movie theater. Hiking in nature. If I am alone, nothing makes me happier than just cuddling with my furry babies.

Do you have a charity that you support? If so can I get the link and information on it.

I support Green Peace and Tree People. I will continue to support many environmental organizations. I also really would like to help the homeless, orphans and such. Please somebody come to me with this article and shove it to my face, if I am rich and not making enough for the poor or the environment because I promised I should.

Dreams: what project or script or actor or actress would be a dream for you to get to work with?

Currently, my dream talent are a few young activists that I would love to have them in my documentary. Greta Thunberg because she is super witty, brave and fighting for a very good cause to save the world. Boyan Slat because having more plastic than fish in the ocean bothered him and he became a young entrepreuner trying to save our oceans. Vanessa Nakate, young brilliant African American girl who shouted out when they were exclusive of her which was clearly racism also a fighter of environment and saving our future. I love young heroes like this to be a role model for the future generations and all of us. I hope I can get one of them or similar young people to cast in my documentary soon. At the least I hope for interviews with them.

Thanks for having me. Pleasure to answer your questions. <3


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