Interview with Billy Joe Parker Prohibition candidate for Vice President of the United States.


Interview with Billy Joe Parker Prohibition candidate for Vice President of the United States.

As the VP candidate. Tell people about yourself.

My name is Billy Joe Parker. I am 80 years of age. I served in the US Marines for 4 years. Before Joining the Marines, I had just three months of college at Indiana Technical College in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I joined the Marines because of some trouble in Lebanon. I thought it was an opportunity to go to some of the places that played a role in the history of the human race. Spain, France, Italy, and Greece had so many historic places and being there was such a great delight and defending them against the dark forces of the Soviets gave me a boyish joy. I regret while in Greece that I never visited Thermopylae where the Spartans made their stand.

What made you go into politics?

I was just a donating member of the Prohibition Party when I was asked to represent the Prohibition Party in Georgia. I am a candidate for vice-president for the same reason. I was asked to do it. I recognized that the Prohibition Party was the only political party that sought to defend each life, especially against the deadly vices that destroy millions of our countrymen. The leaders of the Prohibition Party were of a higher moral caliber than the other political parties. Their goal is the preservation of each life and they design their financial and political issues to that end.

What story do you wish everyone would know about you?

I can't think of any particular story that would interest people. I can only say that in all my adventures I dealt honestly and when I made a mistake, I corrected it when I realized it. I easily forgave those who dealt with me wrongly.

What are you happiest you have accomplished in your life?

I am happiest about adopting the teachings of Christ and applying them. They counsel me in placing others before myself when others' needs are greater than mine. Forgive easily, patience and calmness in pursuing difficult goals. Not giving up when things seem impossible.

While you are a VP candidate, the policies stated online are there. What policy outside those stated do you think will help the most people? And how would you do it? And how will you support say another president in doing so?

I think the policy that would help the most people would be the removal of the deadly vices such as alcohol and abortion that now kill millions and rob the child of its life and the nation. In doing this, I would first determine who would be most hurt with the removal of the vices and who would be most helped. I would weigh one against the other. Those that might be hurt I would substitute something better. I would never believe removal would be easy.

What one thing can you say you have done that has helped people?

I think the letter I sent to President Mikhail Gorbachev of the Soviet Union to free Baltic States-Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania with the other nations of Eastern Europe was by far the best thing I did for other people. I told him that if he did free the nations he held in bondage, history would praise him as a great leader and statesman. If he did not, then history would see him as a brutal dictator. I don't know if he read it or not. It was the power of Britain, the USA, their allies, the benign nature of Gorbachev himself, and Pope John Paul II that caused the freedom of the eastern nations. But I like to feel my letter to Gorbachev was the most important letter I ever wrote. My desire to free the enslaved nations of the east was greater than any fear I would have writing to the Soviet Union. In love there is no fear the Bible says. If you love the captive people, there is no fear in freeing them of a brutal government. Once I told two Secret Service agents that I was writing the Soviet Union. The one behind me had deep scorn on his face. The one facing me turned pale in his face. There is no fear and scorn in love and a desire to free millions of captives. The Bible says, "Let go my captives not for price or reward." Their freedom should be our reward. I think Ronald Reagan felt the same as I did.

It would not. In helping another president, I would bow to his wisdom and counsel. Two heads on any animal is not good nor is it good on any government. The present government of Israel is a good example--chaos is the result.

What outside of politics are you doing during the lockdown?

The lockdown is a perfect time to study the Bible, other languages, mathematics, poetry, the Classics, history, and plan things to do after the lockdown is over. It is a good time to improve living quarters, do yardwork, and many things. When the world is away, it is a time to uplift the home place, help others, and be creative.

What long-term goal other than winning the vice presidency are you looking to accomplish? Along with what question do you wish I had to ask? And what is that answer?

The question I wish you had asked is "What can you do to help removal of the vices to save the millions of lives now being lost." The answer I would like you to give is, "You will give 101 percent to removing the vices in order to save each life of your countrymen."

May God bless you with prosperity and good success.

Thank you,

Billy Joe Parker

Georgia Prohibition

The oldest third party in existence - the Prohibition Party

Billy Joe Parker, the 2020 Prohibition candidate for Vice-President, lives near Waleska, Georgia. He was born near Blairsville, Georgia on 8 October 1939 and grew up in Blue Ridge, Georgia.

After graduating from West Fannin High School (near Blue Ridge), he studied briefly at Indiana Technical College in Fort Wayne, then enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. He served four years, 1958-1962, first as an artilleryman, then in the motor pool. He completed basic training at Parris Island and was then stationed at Camp Perry, Ohio and aboard ship in the Mediterranean. He was discharged with the rank of Lance Corporal.

Parker later worked at a variety of warehouse and manufacturing jobs, retiring in 2002.

Since retiring, he has kept busy as a Prohibition Party volunteer, agitating against alcohol and against abortion. He is a member of the American Legion and of the Baptist Church.

He has never married.


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