no one believes these days.. the mirror worlds are ending..

No one believes the old stories. The legends of time. Myth passed down from one grandfather to a little child. Until? No one remembers any more, I suppose. So the last child writes about the stories and sells them as fantasy. What am I talking about?
Few people associate names these days. They forget or have forgotten time and legends told.
Do not go into a fairy ring during midsummer night. That is Shakespeare’s forewarning. And for a time no one was that crazy. Or if they were, they were winos or drunks and very few people missed them.
Then for a time people forgot. Rip Van Winkle forgot and a 100 years passed by without even a thought. So what am I getting to? Times and legends. The fairies took hold in the 1900s around a county in upper New York. People saw things and were worried. You see during that time the magi war was between two groups fighting as well. Just as today. One for a light one for dark.
The dark magi wanted to bring back. Well. For those that do not know, I suppose a race that is just out of sight. Yes. There are fairies. And yes, their stories are true. Somewhere. Maybe not here tonight? Their war is read in some odds and end books and papers. If you are a bookworm or strange, you can find them.
So what has that to do with this reality today? A lot. You see, Forrest Finn is or was fae in one of these realities. The fight for good and evil is always happening. And like all good fights, there is a balance to fight. Good and evil. Right and Wrong.
So what has Forrest Fenn’s treasure have to do with this? A simple story to be told. The magi created a treaty with the fairies some thousands of years ago.
They banished them into the night light. Only to be allowed access to this world or worlds on a good summer night. That access was to allow them to fly over and have their day in the day in the night.
The treaty? Well. My recollection is old. On every hill top where a fairy mound could be found. A piece of gold or value was to be added on that night.
You say that is crazy. There treasure mounds from here to there and back again, no? So this is the secret of mirror worlds and that night.
Each worlds mound is visited on that specific night. Only one world has to have their treasure chest open. To pay the treaty each good night? What? Basically in the mirror worlds only one mound per world need to be covered. Thus, everyone of the mounds has in one world has a magi that night paying the treaty price. Only one mound needs a magi per world to pay that price.
So what? The treaty does say if someone removes the treasure from the mound that treaty is null or void on that good night. What am I saying? Watch since Fenn Forrest gold was stolen fairy treasure. The faes have longer memories than humans along with they love to fight. Whatdoes that mean? This coming summer night? In one or all the worlds where ever that mound is with Fenn Forrest gold the faes treaty is broken. Humanity is in for a long fight.
Why? That memory is even older. The wars between the races go back thousands of years. Will humanity win? I have my fears. You did not arrange his name right. It is Forrest Finn not Finn
Forest. To you in your kind your memories are short. Look up history before it is to late. Give back their gold. One might ask what has this to do with forging? Forrest Fenn was the forger of
the fae kings army way way back when.. But that is another memory of a time when.


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