Interview Nicole Butler / Vegas

Nicole Butler, thank you for this interview. My readers might not know much
about you. Your career is in producing/ acting. you tell us a story on how you got your start in the film

Born and raised in Buffalo New York, Nicole enlisted in the US Air Force upon graduation of high school. Nicole was assigned to Air Force Security Forces which enabled her to become proficient in combat arms, self defense and law enforcement tactics. Her deployment to Saudi Arabia at Prince Sultan AFB awarded her numerous Air Force Medals and Achievements. Upon completion of the Air Force, Nicole chose Las Vegas Nevada as her permanent residence. Nicole has always had the drive to help others and make the community better, therefore she has held the position of Law Enforcement Officer in North Las Vegas and United States Postal Worker in Las Vegas Nevada. Nicole's true passion is volunteering in the community and bringing people together. Her drive keeps her focused on networking and connecting others where needed within the community in the Las Vegas Area. Organizations to include, Project For Humanity, Henderson NV Veterans Mentorship Program, Spirit Therapies , Shade Tree, The Just One Project, Three Square Meals, Burn Foundation, Toys for Tots, Vietnamese American Lions Club, and food distributions to the homeless to name a few. In addition she served as Vice President of the PTA and put together the largest and most successful Fall Festival in the school's history. Nicole has also helped pave the way to walking trails in the Northwest Las Vegas Area. Her selflessness in serving others and natural beauty has caught the eye of many producers and directors in the Las Vegas area. This has guided her to take a direction in acting where she can connect with more people which is her true passion of gathering others in her pursuit of giving back to the community.


Can you tell us a story on how you got your start in the film

I started when I sign up to be paid $100 to act as a victim who got exposed to a chemical warfare agent with real life army personal. I met Corey Thompson and he shared with me to connect to Julie Goldman. Who is a casting director out here.  

My first background gig was for Warner brothers - the Cleaning Lady - they bummed me up with a sag/Taft Hartley. I was paired with a young guy and joked if I was in a cougar scene.

Do you have a story you wish everyone knew? 

Well - no I don’t lol or don’t care to share at the moment 

Could you share it with us?

 Maybe another time 

Can you talk about  your last movie? Also, what platforms can people
view your movies? 

My first major speaking part is in an upcoming movie called Substitute with Eric Roberts.  Also upcoming small speaking role in Move Me no Mountain. I have done commercials, tv series fun!

PLEASE provide link and photos and where a person can watch.

My IMBD Nicole Butler (IX) Nicole Vegas on Facebook 

What can you tell us about any upcoming productions or acting projects?  

I will share as I am allowed to when the director post about it

I have many directors asking me to be apart of their movies, tv series- 

Can you tell us who or what inspires you as an actress?

I started acting so I can pursue my passion which is community service/connections with helping others get connected to each other ❤️☀️🌎 Something I want to build or fund is more mental health treatment centers. 

Can you tell a story about your other work in the future?

One upcoming movie I want to be in will be at an island and the directors are scouting the island for a location now! Nothing beats an island tan. 


Who are some people in the film industry you would love to work with one day?

Anyone who gives Back to the community- fellow helpers 

Dreams: what project or script or actor or actress would be a dream for you get to work with?

Bruce Willis - That is all

Ms. Butler, the classic question: what charity do you work with and can you
provide a link to it so others can see too please., project 4 humanities, three square meal, spirit therapy, mentoring for veterans of court, boys&girls club, burn foundation, shade tree, helping hands, Nevada hands and voices, the just one project, street teens, southern Nevada animal rescue.... I enjoy getting involved in as many nonprofits as I can - when I come across someone who needs assistance- I can redirect them to get the help they need. 


What advice would you give an aspiring actresses?

Learn about what you love first then go out and show the world who you are! 


A final question. What question do you wish I had asked? And what would the answer be?

When you are in the public eye, what will you do to contribute back to others? 

I will fulfill my purpose here on earth with humanitarian services and will establish in many areas a place where mental health can be supported so others can heal and thrive in life.



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