Interview Zsa Zsa Delacroix

Zsa Zsa Delacroix,thanks for taking this interview. Bio: Singer, Model. Can you please tell the story of how you got into songwriting and where you are currently at? It all started when I learned that I had a ear for music at the tender age of 9. I used to play along to the radio on my toy Casio keyboard which my parents bought me for Xmas. I learned very fast and took to the keys like a duck to water. I began singing at school back in Wales where I was born. I was part of Several touring choirs and began classical training in vocals and piano. I studied Performing Arts and Music at college and found myself in a band at the age of 15 playing the nightclub circuit throughout Wales and West England. We played covers mainly such as The Beatles, Abba, Carpenters an...