Interview with Alex Norta




Alex Norta, thank you for your introduction interview.
You are most welcome. :)

Dr. Norta, can you talk about the amount of censorship that I have seen about you and your work?
Censorhip of my work I am personally not aware of. Maybe I am being shadow-banned without me knowing it? Otherwise, I am not aware of full censorhip against me at this point, luckily.

Dr. Norta, can you talk about the health passport being pushed?
Oh, that is quite troubling and leads us to a direct Apartheid system. Either you are vaccinated and can got to work, be on an airplane, in public transportation, etc.; or you are quasi cancelled without a vaccine. This is really nuts and not acceptable for anyboddy who is sane. My only hope is that the started vaccinations will cause so many health problems that all will be scrapped and people will start to think again for themselves instead of simply absorbing mainstream-media stories that are totally coeherent. It is really strange that Orwell’s 1984 and Huxley’s Brave New World are coming true in 2021. How can it even be that people have lerned nothing out of history? Also in Nazi-Germany, the killings started with the medical system going rogue and installing euthanasia for the unfit and that culminated in the state killing millions in the concentration camps. Wasn’t it the same also in Stalin’s Soviet Unition too? These “health passports” are comparable to wearing some sort of colored star during the Nazi regime in Germany and their occupied territories.

Dr. Norta, can you see what is new in the digital world that will influence it and is still being worked out and who would you look towards as the leader or with someone new?
We are clearly being massaged into a Chinese-style social-credit score system, that is quite clear to me and all the signals are there. China is just the beta-test country and the health passport with ID will clearly be connected to a social-credit score system based on past Internet searches. Surely this ID will also be required to even get on some Internet and people with low social-credit score will simply be denied access. I see such requests popping up from all sorts of different sides.

Dr. Norta, which digital currency do you see working out?  What about the US government going towards digital currency?
Based on my observations, the goal of the “officials” is to introduce fully track- and traceable digital currencies they can control completely. That wouldd include enforcing super-negative interest rates, banning transactions based on social-credit score, having transactions be scanned for utomatic updates of social-credit scores, etc. Thus, I think that fully fungible privacy coins should have a very bright future as they can’t be tracked and traces by anybody. In the end, we still have free-market economics that is often also calledd the “black market” where poeple transact freely based on voluntarism an non-initiation of force. The question is then if people can be coerced by governments into their trackable currencies, or if the menero-type of tokens will take over via free-market activities.

Dr. Norta, what do you think of humans being used as batteries by Microsoft?
Well, it is an interesting development and my comment is that such an invention does not appear to be in line with the initial spirit of Sathosi Nakamoto Whitepaper about Bitcoin. We know the goal there was to empower people in a more direct peer-ro-peer way of conducting transactions. The Microsoft patent seems to aim for merging blockchain technology with our bodies directly into one, if I understand this directly. The invention is very interesting in that one can write a lot in response about how ethical this all is. In principle, technology is in itself neutral and what matters is how the Microsoft patent would find its application. The libertarian assessment would probably conclude this patent can be very badly abused to totally track humans. For sure such an invention is very much aligned with the plans of the WEF head Klaus Schwab who very openly and publically promotes for his great-reset plans that also would require a merger of machine with the body, to cut a long story short. Personally, I am very concerned by this hard push towards transhumanism and I personally would prefer to skip all the push to merge man with machine. For sure, I would not like to merge such strong ID mechanisms biologically with my own body. However, the libertarian mind must grant adults the right to adopt such a trend, provided we have truthfully informed consent.

Dr. Norta, the pandemic which has not killed anywhere near the amount from the flu virus, is continued to be politically used to enforce the Paris Environmental Accord. Do you see this ever going away?

Sadly, my intuition tells me this will just get worse and worse. I came across an insider vaccination-developer expert, Geert Vanden Bossche, who is extremely worried that the mRNA vaccinations under way now will yield extremely potent mutations of the flu. That means there is a chance accordding to Geert Vanden Bossche, we will have mutations occur that will really cause large numbers of casualities among the public. Otherwise, related to the aims of that Paris Environmental accord, I have come across announcements that the corona lockdowns should be complemented with additional global-warming lockdowns to limit CO2 emissions. One can only scratch the head amazement about all the announcements that are now flooding out from the “official” domain.

Dr. Norta, academically where do you see digital opportunities for kids starting off their careers?

Being a bit biased, I think that moving into blockchain technology should be a good direction for kids. Coding skills will for sure always help to get started with some work. On the other hand, I see also that the higher-education domain is in question in many aspects. Ddubious curricula are taught at universities and the appreciation of truth and being reality-rooted has way too often been abandoned for teaching often quite bizarre “agendas” instead. It is quite problematic to observe this sutuation. The good news is that onlien courses are popping up left an dright that allow for pursuing great patchwork education on a need-by-need basis. Thus, do some basic training is something and then just job around. Whenever the need arises because of the work situation, just sign up with another course that fills some knowledge- and skills gap. In line with that thinking, one might actually pursue as a young person some hands-on work again. My observation is that young people have been puhsed into higher education for such a long time now that a real shortage exists for hands-on work. Thus, it might be that way young people will be able to earn a much better living than with some higher-level education that is deliberately not rooted in any reality.

Dr. Norta, can you make what statement do you feel of yours is being censored the most? And why?

Well, I am not aware myself of any censorship. Maybe I am being shaddowbanned? In that case I would not even know it myself. When it comes to censorship then my own self-censorship is very much a fact. Honestly, since last year we have entered the strangest fabricatedd reality in my own life time so far and even weirder is that the masses are so remote-controlled by mainstream thinking. Thus, if I were to really fully unload about the reality I observe around me, the consequences would be very grim. Thus, all that mantra about freedom-of speech, rights and liberties are ever much just a total illusion. I do not expect this strong trend towards a total dystopia will not reverse any time soon and it is all connected, in my opinion, with the ddeath of the financial system in 2008, after which nothing was reformed andd fixed, just printed by fiat currency created out of thin air by central banks.

Dr. Norta, which technology skill will be the easiest to understand and use?

That very much depends on the individual and not everybody has the same capability to pick up the same skills. There are many skills where surely I am not suitable to try picking them up. On the other hand, whatever I am skilled in might be impossible for others to do as well. For sure we need to become much more reality-rootedd and truth-oriented again as a society. Shocking is how many do not even know what planet they love on and that is very much a consequence by the education methods and media manipulation.

Dr. Norta, with the Us taxation of cryptocurrency, what value is it?

Following the Austrian school of thought of economics, we would hope that value of cryptos is entirely subjective and the result of free-market price-finding mechanisms. However, we can surely assume there is a lot of manipulation going on instead. For example, we have well known so-called stablecoins that have never been audited and are used to manipulate the values of other cryptos eitehr way. We also have exchange platforms that trade tokens in a fractional-reserve way and that also seems to be totally fine. Then we also have governments that tax and  otherwise criminalize cryptos in various ways for creating a chilling effect and preventing people flooding into that space while remaining solidly locked into the fiat-currency domain. Also here, manipulations and coercive restrictions will become a lot worse before they turn any better.

Dr. Norta, what question did you wish I had asked and what is your answer to that question?

Going back to my remarks about the totally dystopic fiction world we have been moved into since last year, a good question would have been how we get out of this again. We are now literally at a point where we have abandoned the renaissance mindset and insteadd plunged back into a mindset of the dark ages again that is fully of superstitions. Just briefly, my response would be that we must get back to a thinking that brings us back to a renaissance state of mind and teaching trivium- and quadrivium-based thinking is a good way to get there. While this brings us back to Socrates and Aristotle, there are also modern-language websites available as an easily approachable introduction. My take on all the madness I observe around me is that teaching trivium- and quadrivium-based think in combination with some basic training about logical fallacies would quickly bring us back on track again and eject us from this post-truth world status quo.


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