Interview with Jenifer Yeuroukis


Jenifer Yeuroukis, thank you for the interview. Ms. Yeuroukis, can you tell my readers more about yourself? My readers will not know who you are.  

Sure. I am a dancer at heart. I started dancing in Chicago as a kid but I always felt really odd performing for people. I loved dancing just not being in the spotlight with it. I did a lot of theatre growing up, Chicago is a great theatre town. Then started acting in films and I was so self conscious, I never really went very far with it.  It took me a really long time to understand that girls could be behind the camera, and once I figured that out, I started making my own art videos.  I exhibited in art in galleries for a while and then slid into narrative filmmaking once I realized that I wanted to make films that challenged our perceptions of women but also films that my mom would want to go see. 

Ms. Yeuroukis, do you have a personal story to tell that you wished everyone knew about you?  

I am pretty private. I’m not sure I wish people knew things about me but…. When I was 7,  I won a track and field race (hurdles to be specific) but was immediately disqualified because my mom didn’t read the entry rules and it turns out you had to be 8 to enter. I still think they should have just let me have my win. 

Ms. Yeuroukis, curiosity about your film “Blessing.” Can you tell my readers where it will be seen and if a link is available for them to see or on what platform? 

At the moment the film will be screening at the Artemis Film festival in April.  It’s a festival that celebrates women who make action films. They have not told me the exact date yet but as soon as I know, you will know too. As for streaming, I am shopping to some distributors that buy short films.  If all else fails…keep checking our facebook page…@blessingshortfilm…..maybe I’ll screen it there. 

Ms. Yeuroukis, do you play a character in the movie?  OH NO.  I am too shy to be an actor.  I really LOVE what actors can do. I have so much respect for their willingness to let people in.  And let a single character take over their whole being.  

Ms. Yeuroukis, who wrote the movie?  I wrote the film. 

Will there be a series of shorts following this or are you going to create a feature film in the future? “Blessing” was a one off.  I do have other short films in the pipeline but none of them are related to each other.  

Ms. Yeuroukis, the lockdown has everyone reading, writing, and watching movies. Can you provide a list of what you have been doing? Meaning I tend to find new books or movies from suggestions given and well seems like I might be stuck for another few months inside.  

Ha, the pandemic has me so off kilter.  I normally like edgy stuff but I find myself streaming things like “Jane The Virgin” and “Schitts Creek” I have also been reading a collection of Dolly Parton interviews. I’m not a country music fan but she just makes me smile. And I need smiles.  I have an old house in Joshua Tree, I have been out there learning how to DIY my home renovations.  It’s a mess and for a few weeks in December was sleeping in 20 degree weather.  I have a heater now thanks to my Cinamatographer Kacper Skowron.  I am warm now but still have not installed a stove. I also finished getting a pattent on a fitness product I invented. When I am stressed I just get busy. The pandemic is stressful. 

Ms. Yeuroukis, the classic question: what charity do you work with? And can you provide links to it?  

I work a lot with the homeless community at the LGBTQ center.  Rather than links I would encourage everyone to find a local homeless shelter and volunteer.  Don’t just give money, volunteer. 

In dreaming can you describe what your dream movie, or role, or who you would like to work with would be? 

 I have been working on financing an action feature written by a Korean American Woman.  I really love the action genre and I think there is a lot of room for female directors to offer other takes on that genre. So my dream is really getting this feature “Delinquent” off the ground.

Ms. Yeuroukis, what question do you wish I had asked? And what is the answer to that question?

Do you have a dog?  Yes, please follow his instagram @Monte_Carlo_Dog.   Also follow @blessingshortfilm on instagram and @2019blessing on twitter and @saltandvinegarvideo on IG  I am pretty sure I have more socials I should be telling you about  but I cant remember them all right now.


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