Books devour them sure I do that and other things..
I hope you find a great book to read for your birthday.
Ideas with references to cheer you up on this day of celebration.
1. T
wist each of your fingers to count of 5 total 50 count
4.Have a pet? Hug them again
This is your birthday. A potential list of free meals listed
Some thoughts during this time..
I hope you have a lovely day. Remember to talk with family and friends today. I hope you will pray. Something for you to do in this time of day learn to
idea on this health topic about a similar time in the past.. an idea if you want f
and I hope you read a
. If you can please pray with me for both you, yours, and my family too.
happy birthday, hope you have a lovely day. remember to talk with your family. Hope you remember God.
Now remember this is your birthday. Some places that might have free food.
This is for those strange unique people that have time to read and dream..
A wild mad hatter way to say Happy birthday, hope you have a wonderful day. some thoughts.. U lost your mind and I am making no effort to look for it. If you do not live for something.. you will die for nothing. Humans should not meddle in the affairs of dragons... humans after all taste good with ketchup...A book is a magic portal to another dimension- taken a book is better than any drug to be high on for to read brings about imagination and dreams. The secret is not to tell those that could reach this stage but to hold onto this reality a bit by bit to make it yours. It is first responsibility of dreamers to question the authority of those seeking to enter. Secrets after all are only true when one and only one knows them.
To reach these secrets visiting a person that happens to see the world a little differently such as a poet, writer, or those just a bit off and talking with them happens to open their minds to ideas. Think before thinking becomes illegal. Read before they burn or destroy the books again... Imagine before the end...
Do not wish, not to know. Because you prefer to remain unenlightened, to better be a cow slaughtered in the dark. The end was here and a poor poet I am. A hero to no one who remembers. However, within my imagination, I am someone as important as the next person an influencer of good with a little naughty on the side. Someone you are pleased to know of but do not really know for sure. For how can one know a poet's heart when his words on paper stray from politics to famous people to a cartoon drawn just recently by noon? To say I am recognizable is a short statement to those that read tiny articles or notes pinned here and there. Alternatively, poor poetry sent to people that had half a mind not read it for what is a poet, but a small person within himself caught by today's light and in the night as unbalanced as a mad hatter at a tea party with Alice in Wonderland So few actually remembers days as a poet nor see through his eyes how the world was changing due to people lack of kindness or rareness. Shame is but sadness today. Forgotten is the way to be true and heart-felt best friends to a mad hatter.
I am currently unsupervised I know, it freaks me out too. but the possibilities are endless. Blessed are the weird people-poets, misfits, writers, mystics, painters, troubadours-for they teach us to see the world through different eyes. So you are okay with the government having the weaponry to annihilate all life on earth.. But you are upset with someone that owns a rifle that holds 30 rounds? When someone tells me I live in a fantasy world, I take that as a compliment. Never be afraid to sit awhile and think. The most precious jewels you will ever have around your neck are the arms of your children. Can you handle all this awesomeness? We are each given a limitless capacity to love and attain wisdom. The extent we use these gifts is our choice. One can not be spiritually fulfilled until another animal has touched one's soul. "YOU FALL IN LOVE WITH PEOPLE'S MINDS" writer's block when your imaginary friends stop talking to you. clint the world is an odd place now a days. Is it life of ease just losing its ease. or is it life just being what it is hardship due to overeating, over borrowing, etc.. Do your research. Read stimulate your mind. Challenge yourself. Don't just be puppets on a string. I might be crazy but crazy is better than stupid. I am the same person I was before you found out I have a mental disorder. Crazy people do not know they are crazy. I know I am crazy therefore I am not crazy, isn't that crazy. Welcome to my page! Straight jackets are on the left and meds are on your right and keep your hands off my crayons. You do not need to be yourself here. Pick a personality that would fit you and try it on. Some days I color outside the lines and other days I color within the lines. Now accepting applications: for partner in crime. Must be a fluent smart ass and little to no morals kids language please and partial nudity is up to you. Also you must by Happy. The six voices in my head do not want that goofy character. Be happy all the time it drives people crazy. You meet me on the internet. I do live in a gated community. I have taken up photography because it is the only hobby where I can shoot people and cut their heads off without going to jail. There is only so much insanity you can blame on the full moon. The rest is just everyday bat shit crazy people being themselves. Being happy doesn't mean everything is going good. It just means the drugs are working. I like being at home in my own little world with my books, kids, and wife. The real world is full of too many assholes. Good friends offer advice and words of wisdom. Real friends come over unannounced with vodka, chocolate, glitter, duct tape, cat suits, explosives and a plan. If you're happy and you know it, what combination of prescription medication are you on? Every family has one weird relative. If you don't know who it is, then it is probably you- welcome to the family.
stolen quotes and times
thanks for reading.
Clinton Siegle
Happy Birthday, I hope these ideas are fun for you..
today, we here at Bright Side have compiled a list of the most surprising psychology facts that can help you better understand yourself and others.
Any friendship that was born in the period between 16 and 28 years of age is more likely to be robust and long lasting.
Women generally prefer men with deep husky voices because they seem more confident and not aggressive.
The people who give the best advice are usually the ones with the most problems.
The smarter the person is, the faster he thinks, and the sloppier his handwriting is.
Our emotions don’t affect the way we communicate. In fact, the very opposite is true: the way we communicate has an influence on our mood.
The way a person treats restaurant staff reveals a lot about their character.
People who have a strong sense of guilt are better at understanding other people’s thoughts and feelings.
Men are not funnier than women: they just make more jokes, not caring whether other people like their humor or not.
Shy people talk little about themselves, but they do this in a way that makes other people feel that they know them very well.
Women have twice as many pain receptors on their bodies than men, but they have a much higher pain tolerance.
Listening to high-frequency music makes you feel calm, relaxed, and happy.
If you can’t stop your stream of thoughts at night, get up and write them down. This will set your mind at ease so you can sleep.
Good morning and good night text messages activate the part of the brain responsible for happiness.
Doing things that scare you will make you happier.
The average amount of time a woman can keep a secret is 47 hours and 15 minutes.
People who try to keep everyone happy often end up feeling the loneliest.
The happier we are, the less sleep we require.
When you hold the hand of a loved one, you feel pain less keenly and worry less.
Intelligent people tend to have less friends than the average person. The smarter the person is, the more selective they become.
Marrying your best friend eliminates the risk of divorce by over 70%, and this marriage is more likely to last a lifetime.
Women who have mostly male friends stay in a good mood more often.
People who speak two languages may unconsciously shift their personalities when they switch from one language to another.
Being alone for a long time is as bad for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.
Travel boosts brain health and also decreases a person’s risk of heart attack

I was to meet the raiders in a Cafe Shi. In the port of Ping. The year was around 1680 something. To be honest. I sort of lost count of years. When you are into smuggling items. From Korea, to Japan, to China and elsewhere to avoid the cursed tariffs of empires and nations. Well, knowing the year means knowing what laws and regulations are being brought up. Why cause undo concern when any of the items meant the death penalty?
Cafe Shi was a tea shop with some of the best fine wines in all of small China. Small China a go between the port side of a town and well the town itself. The raiders had promised a chance at something big.
Being unemployable and unemployed at the present time. I thought it would be best to try something with a big prize.
In walks the Claw. I knew him when he was younger. That I had employed him to smuggle goods for a time made me smile.
The Claw was a legend these days. Sort of like I was a time ago. The Claw had taken possession of a fleet of trading ships. How? The rumor was he trapped them, boarded them, and slaughtered everyone on board. What a comic. The reality of the whole entire fleets crew. Well, they were all bribed. Because of the paymaster of. the owner of the fleet being a skinflint. Only paying less than going wages. The whole fleet’s crew absconded with the trading merchandise and ships.
The Claw was the one that thought up the plan. He even hired only those willing to go along with the plan to make sure no one got hurt but the corporations.
The deal happened, and they let the world know the Claw had slaughtered the whole crew. Which I heard had instead of returning to Europe went on a vacation to South America.
So the Claw spoke. His speech was interesting. The prize was something I had heard about a long time ago by another legend. Some sort of a jewel from a legendary myth country called Crimea. The jewel and other treasure were in the possession of a noble. How or why this noble had let the Claw know about the jewel was beyond me.
However, the jewel was some sort of a magical device that could do things to a man’s mind if the legend be truthful. So the plan was to raid a floating houseboat on an inland sea in central China.
The jewel kept there because of the guardian. Here the Claw must be joshing or joking, a guardian dragon. Now I knew dragons. I had fought one with the Claw when he was still young. To fight one on a house boat might be interesting.
I was to meet the raiders in a Cafe Shi. In the port of Ping. The year was around 1680 something. To be honest. I sort of lost count of years. When you are into smuggling items. From Korea, to Japan, to China and elsewhere to avoid cursed tariffs of empires and nations. Well, knowing the year means knowing what laws and regulations are being brought up. Why cause undo concern when any of the items meant the death penalty?
Meaning? A name is only as good as the next adventure and to live in a moment and die with merit or a wonderful story? What more I could ask for? We were not afraid of much. Maybe wizards of time or a woman with too much time on her hands.
So I shook my hand with the Claw who, when he noticed, laughed with me. And said it was great to be back in such low places. And that we should get some more wine and talk about old friends and places.
The conversation went like the Claw telling me this story.
There once was a great pirate before Romans, and they established any countries in Europe. He would raid an island where the treasures were according to myth from out of this world. The original Atlantis story claiming that they came from an unfamiliar world.
There the Atlantis lived afraid of this pirate until they built the Talons. A sort of statue that walked the island, protecting the island from pirates.
Well, that did not sit well with this pirate of legends. So in the middle of a flotilla of ships he disguised his ship and crew. The pirate went right with their great trade ships and out with. Well, according to the Claw, the crown jewel of some wizard of time or not.
The jewel was a portal stone or time stone. The Claw kept on excitedly how with the stone one could go places in time and what not.
Me? I had had a pearl once upon a tale. So I was interested, and so the plan was laid out.
The nobleman was to be called away to the capitol city by a bribe the Claw had provided an authority. Seems corruption was everywhere these days.
Once gone evidently the boat house only protection was a dragon. Now, the last dragon that the Claw and I had encountered was a long time ago. That we accidently shoot it with a cannon at point blank range was well. Complete happen stance and luck.
This time luck had to be just right. We set the date. The plan was laid that both smoke and other bombs. They would be used to enter the house boat. Blind the dragon. Then secure the jewel. A classic switch in a fast heist with a phony jewel to replace the real one. And out we go. With no pursuit. Because why waste a chance of someone coming back to steal something if nothing was stolen?
So there was me, Ender the pirate, the Claw, and my crew. My crew is not normal. Let us just say we are misfits from Christmas isle and let that make your imagination work.
My first mate looked like a squirrel and acted like one too. He was given the fake jewel and instructions on what room the jewel was in.
My cook sort of looked like a bear. And his sole job this time around was to throw smoke bombs as fast as he could. Given the signal once the first mate was in a position to enter the house boat.
Me and the Claw were to address the dragon personally. I thought this over in reflection and some plans are stupid. Only one reflected on them, but at the time of implementation. Life is merit or nothing else.
So the day came. The nobleman rode off to the capitol. We were in place. The first mate had climbed to a window just above the treasure room.
The signal went. The cook started throwing smoke bombs. Everything seemed to go great.
Just then the Claw and I meet a woman where I was expecting a dragon.
Now I had prepared live bombs for the occasion. There I was in a kind of pickle having a fuse lit in one hand with a bomb and well a woman. Who instead of crying or anything seemed to know the Claw.
And looking at the Claw? Well, I could see he knew her. The Claw was in love. Great.
Storming a houseboat with a dragon and some woman. And then the Claw starts talking, waving me away. No dragon appeared. I was wondering what or if the jewel was actually here.
Then the woman transformed into a white dragon. Wildly unexpected by me.
The dragon pounced on the Claw. Who only waved at me yet again. I wondered what to do. Throwing a live bomb at a friend is not something I would consider. In yet, the dragon was or looked like she would eat him.
The cook had stopped throwing smoke bombs. This indicated in the plan that my first mate was out.
So I tried to get the Claw away from her. But instead of letting me pull him away. He waved me goodbye. The love sick fool was in love with a dragon.
So I got out of there. My first mate with the jewel in hand. So my first mate, Cook, and I went away. That was not the last I heard of the Claw. However, the jewel of time was something else to behold and what stories could be told.
As for the Claw? I heard that he and the dragon ran away together. Something dealing with her obligation of guarding the jewel was no longer valid with no jewel to guard. As for the nobleman? I keep tabs on his family for the jewel?
Well, being time traveling pirates is something to keep a journal on.and depression.
People look more attractive when they speak about the things they are really interested in.
When two persons talk to each other and one of them turns their feet slightly away or repeatedly moves one foot in an outward direction, this is a strong sign of disagreement, and they want to leave..

The year was something like 1673 or 1678. Ender the pirate was sitting at café Shi in the Ping port of China. He was listening to a person explain in revealing a shipping route. An exchange between Japan and Korea. Which covered the exchange of gold from Korea for pearls from a peninsula off the coast of Japan. The person giving the details was a Japanese thief known from a prior venture. Was he honest? His creative tale in ascribing the richest. Ender could have if he went in on the strategy. Only if the pirate would join in and capture even one of the prize ships being sent within the next month.
Ender smiled. The bandit had said something else in his intricate blueprint. That detail might have escaped in the detail. As a selling point. The thief mentioned the pearl. In detail. The background of the pearl to gain the infamous captain trust. And participation in the venture. A tale. A dragon’s tail, to be specific. A pearl of great value according to the Bible. Yet, Ender did not mention or pretend to be any more interested in the tale. Who pays attention to legends? Myths that are thrown around pirate bars in the middle of the night? When one takes bets on if one can do this is this or that is that.
The challenge on Ender’s mind was that legend. Specifically, the drunk who informed him that tale was long ago dead. His crew mates might have more of the legend? Or some acquaintance? Ender concentrated on the thief tale. Finally, the last sales position was produced, and the bandit asked are you in?
Ender considers for a moment, letting the silence in the place get a seizing of the crook’s dreams. Cafe Shi tea servers had retired from the area. When demanded and paid so that the conference was secret. In yet, Ender knew if the bandit was chatting to him. He had most likely communicated to other pirates. So within the moment Ender reached a decision.
The decision would make for a metamorphosis of the pirate Ender’s life. But would take him places no one would believe. He makes his reply with there being a settling in blood to be established. The crook was not ready for a blood contract. Even so, Ender was the first of an extensive list of pirates. That were required to capture the entire treasure fleet. The fleet being committed within a month to sail.
Ender went exploring for his ole drinking mates, crew mates, family, acquaintances. Anyone that might have picked up the tale of the pearl of great price stole. Not the biblical King James version. No. Like most stories. There are stories told outside of English that people hear and peaks one interest. This was a tale of a fellow recognized in Japan as Jesus. He had lived a long time ago and was a farmer. He had come from the middle eastern area to understand from the priests and creeds of the territory. Ender’s remembrance of the tale. It went along the lines that Christ had changed. That the Japanese lifestyle of cultural, and family respect shown, steeped in honor. That Christ had a change of heart. That the Christ of that world or worlds had abandoned Israel. How or why the tale by the drunk teller of the tale was often either confused or misspoke or? For worlds come laugh with me? Who had believed in parallel worlds?
Ender kept on looking for his ole drinking mates, fellow crew mates and family. Until he found a little boy that had been either a cousin or nephew of the drunk man who told the tale. Time had abused the poor lad beyond recognition. His stammering was almost too much of a turned off Ender. Almost. However, the kid later to be known as the Claw had away about him. And either he could lie through his teeth about the story or his uncle or cousin had told the kid the complete story. How this pearl of great value was a key to what one only could be considered a magical portal.
Why was Ender so keen on this? Part of his ole drinking buddy’s tale was that even parallel worlds not everything was the same. A man might find that which or was known in one world. In yet in another world was lost or forgotten about in another world. And since the key was worlds. Ender’s dream. The dream, was something much bigger. Than a treasure fleet of Japanese and Korean treasure ships.
Ender next stop upon hearing the complete story of the pearl of great value. A certain place, it was a small bookshop on Port Pings side street. The pirate searched within the stacks of scrolls, horse hides, some old books. Taking numerous literature works. And other forms of books until he had gathered a small collection of stories. What stories one might ask? What was real? Where that reality had been found. And what difficulties or stories involved in locating said objects? Like? Aldin’s carpet, Solomon’s ring, the gold hoard, treasures of gold. Stories of rubies, diamonds, and books. Books? Books that were said to contain lost knowledge of time. And places in which even their legends existed in yet their whereabouts were a mystery or known.
Enders plan was to swipe the pearl of great value. And with it take through space time and other worlds the very treasures that legends were made of. His plan was bold. His investigation at the bookstore had brought notice to him. However, Ender was a crazy pirate that often times did insane things. Like writing poetry. To and about kings, queens, and other people that at one time or another might have crossed his path. So even without much more then notice. Ender’s plan was developing faster. His crew he informed them of a specific treasure. That which he assured them would bring them their wildest dreams.
* * *
Getting the Black Skimmer ready for battle was somewhat of a challenge in Ping Port China. The trip out and holding area would need weeks of waiting. Waiting meant food and other support. Ender was up to that challenge by going into a little side business. Which turned into a small fortune. He had to open up on his kitchen which held a special cook to a local business. There the cook had made a small cookie like dough. And with another person considered, a seer of sorts. Whose insights were inserted into the cookie. As small rice paper written fortunes statements into the dough. Which was baked and cooked until a crisp hard like cookie? The special cook made hundreds of them. The seer more of a person with good hearing and knowledge about seasons. Well wrote out fortunes that were somewhat accurate and the people of Port Ping ate them up. In fact, they ate them. So much that Ender was considering turning a small bait and tackle shop into a cookie factory. However, the funds turned up for the food, and other items needed for his venture.
Ender with funding had to buy some explosives. Which were still under Chinese export control at that time? The cost was more than normal in yet the fortune from the fortune cookies made up the difference.
Ender and the future Claw would spend time together. Ender would ask the child with questions on the same story his relative had told him. While waiting Ender sent out the Claw to find out if there were more stories about his relative.
While waiting for the time to go out. We fit the Black Skimmer with an extra cannon. And more shot, along with a long gun that ran a good third of the upper deck. In the meantime Ender found an additional small crew to help with the future prize ship. The plan being to hit one of the treasure ship’s midsection, board it and sail it away with the additional crew. The thinking a quick blast with a long gun filled with shot to cut down the ship’s crew from a distance. This would allow the Black Skimmer to hide better during a fight.
The Black Skimmer fitted with a long gun. Supply onboard. Awaited a message from the crook that had set up the plan. At midnight in mid-May the message came. And Ender, crew and Black Skimmer sailed out of port to a slight island close to southern Korea. Meeting at the isle. There were seven other pirate ships. A total of eight pirate ships assembled. Versus according to reports 24 ships. 12 from Japan, 12 from Korea, both filled with solders and guards for the treasure exchange.
The crook introduction of all seven other pirate captains with Ender. The meeting took place on the small island. The plan reviewed and revised because of the lack of ships. Instead of taking on all the ships. The decision was to go for only the Japanese ships and to take them closer to Japan than Korea. So the island was to be used for the night. Then the ships would sail towards the Japanese port. Which was known to be the starting point of the treasure fleets departure point.
That night, Ender sat at a table talking with a boy whose name would be Claw about strange stories. The seer whose fortunes written on rice paper had become rather famous saw in a vision a scary story. His tale was so profound it changed the crew of 32 minds on what to do.
The seer against Ender was not that big of a deal. Ender only request was that they try to get at least one of the ships. The profound tale told by the seer. With Enders counter talk of one treasure ship might be worth all their troubles. The counter talk changed the crew’s mind on the seers tale and the decision was to go forth.
Since the seers tale had a profound impact on the crew and Ender. A sort of alternative plan was formed. Ender required each crew member for a sit down. And discussion on which ship the crew member should be on upon the taking of a treasure ship. When push comes to shove a select group of five were chosen to stay on the Black Skimmer. While the rest would crew the larger Japanese ship.
The seers vision made for the plan to work a question mark. Meaning the vision was of the majority of the crew eating each other. Since, starvation was something most agreed was not what they wanted. Ender planned around that by having the fishing nets brought out of storage and used. Ender revised plan of fishing including and informing each member to cut the net away from the ship. Once upon sighting the treasure fleet to cut the nets away and let them drop. However in the mean time to ensure everyone was feed. More than what they expected they would be fishing to keep themselves fit lean and well feed.
With that the Black Skimmer and seven other ships set up a sort shadow blockade off the coast of a Japanese port. Enders fishing net sort of made the whole group of ships acceptable. To the few passing other ships which passed during the waiting time.
* * *
The nights were calm. Until on the second week of waiting. When a storm blew in with no warning. The Japanese treasure fleet set sail straight right into the view of the storm. Probably trying to outrun it or save their ships from being battered against the shores. There were only nine ships that made it oout of the Japanese port. By the time each of the blockade fleet realized what was going on. During the storm there was only five pirate ships left two either sunk or blown away. The Black Skimmer moved on promptly with one of the more impressive ships. Evidently the crew had not all gotten onboard. Because the front long gun cut down those on top and the boarding party did not find any resistance.
The plan had worked. Well. Sort of. The storm continued. The boarding party on the Japanese ship included Ender. Who went directly to the treasure hold and liberated what looked like a pearl held between a staff. Upon touching the staff. Its guardian awoke. A white pearl colored dragon. The dragon slaughtered the boarding crew. While Ender made his escape with the pearl to the Black Skimmer. On the Black Skimmer, the seer and crew watched. As their dead crew mates seemed to become enchanted by the dragon. They started to rig the ship to come after the Black Skimmer. The storm was still blowing while all this took only a matter of twenty minutes all to unfold. Ender having made it back to the Skimmer reloaded the long gun and waited to fire at the Japanese treasure ship. The dragon onboard could be heard chanting some weird chant. A whisper heard over the storm. “May you never see your world’s shores again!” The wind with that whispered died out. Even so, the storm waves still splashed the other ships were nowhere to be seen. Just the Skimmer, fleeing in direction that the wind was blowing. While a dead treasure ship was being forced towards it. Then the wind came back. Blowing and tossing both ships around. From the deck of the Skimmer the crew watched the white dragon. The dragon looked like it was going to take a drink from the ocean leaning way overboard. Instead upon watching a realization the dragon was blowing a bubble. And with the bubble was coming up old dead ships. And to the surprise of all on the Black Skimmer, their crew were walking about preparing to fight.
The seer yelled hard to port. Which swung the whole ship around at a 180 degrees. While a crew member touched the long gun. Just at that moment as if planned firing the whole blast into the white dragon.
However, the 180 degree swing in the Skimmer put the ship right into the path of what the dragon had been doing. Which was a huge bubble. That brought together all the sunken ships, the treasure ship, and Black Skimmer into a whirl pool. Taking them all down and out towards the open ocean. The blast of the canon had hit the white dragon who fell overboard. The bubble however kept on swirling. The whirlpool and took all the ships, and bubble down into what could only be described as a funnel. That seemed to be running underneath the ocean. Pulling all the ships outward from between Korea and Japan into the Pacific ocean. And towards the Americas.
With white dragon gone the dead did not seem to be interested in the Black Skimmer. The Black Skimmer being provisioned with one month of food for 32 members. Which was down to seven now found that along with two weeks of fishing food for a few months. The pearl of great value was onboard. And the treaure ship of the Japanese was still floating near by with a complete dead past crew members in yet. They had no interest in the Black Skimmer. The funnel pushing the bubble keep a fast pace outpacing all the ocean life that swam by.
When the crew finally felt comfortable. An investigation of one of the smaller sunken ships was made. The dead or zombies did not seem to notice or care much what happened as long as their ship was sailing. Thus began the looting. Not of just one ship but of a whole underwater fleet of sunken ships and one treasure ship all manned with zombies.

During my university’s days I used to haunt a used bookstore. The books there were magical. Like secret objects. Why? This bookstore cared for one of a kind books. If some author who the public had never heard of got tired and self-published and it was worth anything. You could find a used book of it there in the shelves. The problem there was no rhyme or reason for the arrangement of the books. The gentleman that owned the store was an oddity. Between him and the clock shop next door. I figured the public universities owed these graduates something better. Never the less, I was there every other Saturday to purchase three or four books at half the price.
Half price books good for a college student working. Attending class full time and well doing other things to read at least an extra book or three a week. The used bookstore and clock shop went out of business when I was not around. Why? I figured over a five-year stay at the university. I probably purchased at least ten thousand dollars’ worth of used books. Why? Some of what was in those books held information that no one in their right mind would believe. Let alone claim to own a complete collection of original works of. Any ways after some years some of those books disappeared. I thought that was strange. So I kept a list. And then the list would change. I know it sounds like dementia and at first I thought so too. So I got checked out. Nope. So I started to journal my book collection. Why? Some more abnormal ideological books had gone missing. Like? The universe is a play. The sun is behind the projector. Energy is light. Making all of us everything material that is roughly a hologram. I supposed in summarization of what I remember of it.
Well, one day there was a knock on at the door. I opened it and there was a red suitcase. No note. I naturally looked around. No one was there. I brought it in. Was about to call the police for a lost and found item. When the latch opened and a book fell out with a note.
The note was interesting. I knew the person who wrote it. We had bumped into each other many times at the bookstore. The content of the letter was mysterious. That the person remembered my name was an honor. Why? I had heard that he had won some physic or math lifetime achievement award. Through the university’s alumni letter. That the letter was disturbing a bit.
In it, his apologies for obstructing my reality. I thought for a moment. I did not recollect any such thing. So I read on. Well. The mystery got deeper. In the letter he claims that I or someone in a parallel reality had once upon a time owned the book. And that he had stolen it. Since he mentioned the book, I opened it. The book became in reality a live storybook. You ask how so? It was like a computer or kindle. What ever thought or suggestion you had on your mind it would view or make it into a story. I went back to the letter. His explanation seemed clear. That in some reality or another I had purchased the book. And mistakenly asked for his help on seeing what they made it out.
The letter said that somehow by viewing the book he had removed my memory of this and had taken the book.
Well. So much for friendship, I suppose. The tale end of the letter explained that he was dead. If I got the book and that, I should always keep it in the red leather suitcase. To ensure reality as he said, it was not too much disturbed by other people’s thoughts if I read it around them.
So I picked up the book. It was something. I thought about the time he mentioned in his letter about why I would ask someone to look at it? The story it told me shocked me to the core of my soul. Let alone had I had the book. I had used it in a manner not so nice. How so? I was curious I had asked it how and who were the prior owners of the book.
The story was, is, and will be wild to let you know. From Walt Disney to one of his cartoonist. Who stole it from Disney? To some wizard in 1700s. To a shape shifter. To well a pirate, to a Talon, to the original owner of the book. Who appeared to be well. At least the page showed that it did all this. God.
Sounds strange, I know. However, when I asked and how it appeared to happen is what freaks me out the most. Why? It was not just reading the words. It was seeing through the eyes of those desiring those things that caused the most vivid dreams.
Like? Image you are a pirate that somehow got caught in the whirlpool that circles the globe. And while in the whirlpool, the reason reality seems to cease to exist. And continues to swirl is those caught in it are. Are for a better plumber explanation drained from one world to another world it pours those caught into a distinct reality. Until whatever it is, you are on spits you out in a different time and reality. Wild? Now imaging you are reading this and somehow being able to interact with the person? Meaning? If you read something and say why is this happening. The book would literally explain it to you in a detail you could understand. That begin an adventure. I do keep the book in the suitcase. It is my second most favorite book. Why second? Well. You see at that bookstore I had purchased one of the journals of the pirate in the book. Meaning?
During my university’s days I used to haunt a used bookstore. The books there were magical. Like secret objects. Why? This bookstore cared for one of a kind books. If some author who the public had never heard of got tired and self-published and it was worth anything. You could find a used book of it there in the shelves. The problem there was no rhyme or reason for the arrangement of the books. The gentleman that owned the store was an oddity. Between him and the clock shop next door. I figured the public universities owed these graduates something better. Never the less, I was there every other Saturday to purchase three or four books at half the price.
Half price books good for a college student working. Attending class full time and well doing other things to read at least an extra book or three a week. The used bookstore and clock shop went out of business when I was not around. Why? I figured over a five-year stay at the university. I probably purchased at least ten thousand dollars’ worth of used books. Why? Some of what was in those books held information that no one in their right mind would believe. Let alone claim to own a complete collection of original works of. Any ways after some years some of those books disappeared. I thought that was strange. So I kept a list. And then the list would change. I know it sounds like dementia and at first I thought so too. So I got checked out. Nope. So I started to journal my book collection. Why? Some more abnormal ideological books had gone missing. Like? The universe is a play. The sun is behind the projector. Energy is light. Making all of us everything material that is roughly a hologram. I supposed in summarization of what I remember of it.
Well, one day there was a knock on at the door. I opened it and there was a red suitcase. No note. I naturally looked around. No one was there. I brought it in. Was about to call the police for a lost and found item. When the latch opened and a book fell out with a note.
The note was interesting. I knew the person who wrote it. We had bumped into each other many times at the bookstore. The content of the letter was mysterious. That the person remembered my name was an honor. Why? I had heard that he had won some physic or math lifetime achievement award. Through the university’s alumni letter. That the letter was disturbing a bit.
In it, his apologies for obstructing my reality. I thought for a moment. I did not recollect any such thing. So I read on. Well. The mystery got deeper. In the letter he claims that I or someone in a parallel reality had once upon a time owned the book. And that he had stolen it. Since he mentioned the book, I opened it. The book became in reality a live storybook. You ask how so? It was like a computer or kindle. What ever thought or suggestion you had on your mind it would view or make it into a story. I went back to the letter. His explanation seemed clear. That in some reality or another I had purchased the book. And mistakenly asked for his help on seeing what they made it out.
The letter said that somehow by viewing the book he had removed my memory of this and had taken the book.
Well. So much for friendship, I suppose. The tale end of the letter explained that he was dead. If I got the book and that, I should always keep it in the red leather suitcase. To ensure reality as he said, it was not too much disturbed by other people’s thoughts if I read it around them.
So I picked up the book. It was something. I thought about the time he mentioned in his letter about why I would ask someone to look at it? The story it told me shocked me to the core of my soul. Let alone had I had the book. I had used it in a manner not so nice. How so? I was curious I had asked it how and who were the prior owners of the book.
The story was, is, and will be wild to let you know. From Walt Disney to one of his cartoonist. Who stole it from Disney? To some wizard in 1700s. To a shape shifter. To well a pirate, to a Talon, to the original owner of the book. Who appeared to be well. At least the page showed that it did all this. God.
Sounds strange, I know. However, when I asked and how it appeared to happen is what freaks me out the most. Why? It was not just reading the words. It was seeing through the eyes of those desiring those things that caused the most vivid dreams.
Like? Image you are a pirate that somehow got caught in the whirlpool that circles the globe. And while in the whirlpool, the reason reality seems to cease to exist. And continues to swirl is those caught in it are. Are for a better plumber explanation drained from one world to another world it pours those caught into a distinct reality. Until whatever it is, you are on spits you out in a different time and reality. Wild? Now imaging you are reading this and somehow being able to interact with the person? Meaning? If you read something and say why is this happening. The book would literally explain it to you in a detail you could understand. I asked to see what or how I had gotten it originally. And if I had written in it and I got disturbed. What I saw was evil. Me? No. However, I changed it. How? It is a book and if I wanted to remove evil in some reality, I just did. I had no desire to see evil in this one or any. So I changed the story. That is when things really got disturbing in reality.
Why? You have heard of the Mandela effect? Well, imagine if you will a parallel reality. Now imagine 10,000 parallel realities. Now imagine 1 billion times that 10,000 parallel realities. Now imagine if someone went back and changed history. Instead of people wanting to be greedy over a piece of paper printed out of a hoax bank. They want lima beans. Or someone that tripped over a banana peel. Who never did without some evil interaction. And became someone else outside of the high school joke.
The example of changes were many. Why? Because this one page was from God’s library or his personal book of life. Imagine all stories being corrected. Now the transformation occurred however not in the way one would have expected. Meaning? I desired that wrong made right. It was a simple form of justice.
The issue? The book took another approach of instead of ripping a reality to shreds. It took people’s minds from one reality to well another. To their own realities where they could or met their destiny story. Why? Remember, I said, what I had seen was something evil? Well. It really had happened a long time ago. It had had been a fragment of reality, of a different time and place or space.
The desire for a material world to exist without the end of the bible. So imagine a billion fragments of a soul spread across time and space. Each soul supposed to meet Mr or Mrs. Right or gone to this or that party or knew this person or did this had some fatal flaw thrown into their story. Why? To be honest, I could not understand that part of the story. Was I responsible for this flawed realities? I doubt it. If I lived billions of years, there is no way in all reality I could have done what I say being done. However, the book showed something. So I wished for it.
I just wished that the right stories would match up. That single wish became what the Mandela effect is today. And the book in the red suitcase? The secret of the book is it is going back to its rightful owner. The Vatican? No. They have for whatever purpose the book of the Dragon. The page I have is going home.
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.
4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.
8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.
9 Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;
10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.
12 They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.
13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.
14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.
15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.
16 With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.
A dragon or fairy story
Dragons. People forget their history. In fact, if it was not for my family. Which my family related to Sir Siegfried. Who slayed the dragon at Furth im Wald? Personally, I would not know much more than the fantasy books and television programs.
The last dragon killed by a farmer, my great some number back grandfather on my father’s side in Bavaria. The tale went that the farmer was brave. And that the dragon had been eating goats and animals through the forest there. And causing all kinds of confusion. The official battle noted is some German church. There the embellishment went. That Sir Siegfield with a spear in an open field attacked the dragon. The battle went hard for Siegfield. His clothing torn to fragments, and he was bloody and smelly. Fiercely the fight went back and forth with him using a spear, and the dragon was fiercely burning down a shed or outbuilding. The fight lasted hours per the biblical scholarly hand copy in high German writing. In the end, my high German Google translator made the fight seem as follows.
Sir Siegfried's spear pierced the dragon. While the dragon fire went wide, burning a building with beasts in it. That is the short and delightful tale of the conclusion of the last dragon.
What is missing is family lore, and an original journal kept by Sir Siegfried’s son?
The family lore was less ferocious. Mr. Siegfried, which was a farmer not a fighter nor knight at the time, went to find his lost hog. He had with him his hiking stick. Now, his swine had been eating mushrooms. Or something of a quirk in the woodland, and appropriately he went there hoping to find his hog. He found his pig’s tracks and walked right to a shed in the middle of the forest. There was this huge dragon thing eating his hog. Being quite mad. Because that was his hog. And not thinking, he swung his stick at the dragon that seemingly had a fire going cooking his hog. Now, the humor is rather wild here. The dragon jumped into the fire creating a fire that burnt said, shed down. While on fire, the hog which evidently had not been cut up or slaughtered correctly blew up. Pig shit went everywhere, hitting Mr. Siegfried and making a rather stinker mess.
Now, the dragon also seems to have run straight into Mr. Siegfried’s stick. Right into its eye, killing it. That was family lore. Being a somewhat curious child. When I was a child, my great grandfather Christoper opened a journal. That had been in the family and read in German, then translating to me this bit.
The offspring of Siegfield notes in his journal. That the resident lord knighted his father for slaying the said dragon. And when old Sir Siegfield confessed that the dragon did not die.
He said the folk lore. They amended the story in every part except what happened after the dragon had run into his walking stick. Now this part written in the journal translated from an old German to a kid who did not understand German. The story written stated that the dragon lost only an eye. However, upon losing an eye, the body slumped and out stepped a fairy or person in a body of a human. What transpired there was a thank you. That Mr. Siegfield had taken part in some shape-shifting spell. In which the eye of a dragon needed. To transform all dragons from their dragon likeness to what Mr. Siegfield saw before him. For his help, he received his life. I thought the story book was great and asked for more. My great grandfather past that night and I never got to see that book again.
Now, you would think that was the end of the story. Humor, I am on my own adventure these days. You see, I was watching Don Quixote in a play in Bolivia several years ago.
One lady who argues with the main lead lady a fine ballerina, she was good she was a dragon. You could tell she wanted or thought she deserved the lead. I watched her. And there in the middle of a play exclaimed did you see that. Her eyes... Her eyes. Yes, I am sure it was her eyes. They were gold. They held that arrogant look of a woman. And my exclaiming came as her eyelids went both ways. What do you mean? She had two eyelids per eye. One down and when she was self-thinking people were watching the play, not her. Well, her eyes had ones that blinked together like in pride. It was the wildest thing. I wrote about her giving details on Cosmofunnel about her along with her name, etc.
Now that blog and computer are all gone. Access denied and funny computer had a hard drive crash with nothing recoverable on it. So, the truth being, Sir Siegfield did not kill the last dragon. And they still live among us, buff and those that are traveling often see them. That is my story of the last dragon, Furth im Wald, and the family of Siegfield.
If you notice I did not use dragon, I used reptile in the title. For you see. I have been seeing them a lot more. Who knows? Dragons were once upon a time rulers of this earth. Are they coming back? I believe so. For to me, I am seeing the time of tribulation. Some call it the Mandela effect. Myself, I would say a soul traveling backwards in time to see a battle between good and evil. The awkwardness type of evil does a time traveler of Sir Siegfried get to see during what he claims is the time of tribulation?
Lets be honest. His fairy story is much better. He was a Peace Corps volunteer in Caracato, Bolivia. Walking to a village in the middle of nowhere, he kept on hearing boom. He got to the village to find a farmer dropping large rocks down a cliff.
Walking back. He stumbled upon three native girls bathing in the boff. However, that night the winds blew and rain happened and he swears he saw five partnered fairies dancing on the mountain tops on a path where the next day only he could walk without falling over the edge below.
Or Chuma, where he swears he danced for two weeks on straight with tribe women. Only to find out the party was only supposedly three days long. Is he telling you a fable, a myth, or fact?
There once was a dragon which lived in a cave. Actually, a shape shifter named Liz. She was a beautiful human and wonderful colored dragon. The problem, of course, was size and height of this pretty creature of divinity. She was only over 13 inches and when a dragon is that small... Why sometimes a person is at fault calling a dragon a lizard, you would know. As for her large cave, it was really more of a hole in a treasure box where she kept her treasure. Now one knows that treasure of a dragon is gold. The idea being worth something. The problem, of course, is a small dragon gold coin and such were about as big as her hands. So she collected jewels, diamonds and such. That was where Ender the pirate and crew came in. Being sold a book of maps at a used bookstore and being well drank rum until drunk rum from Chuma rum by the local bar keep. Being told of a fierce dragon and gold hoard on the isle of “Dragon” Ender, the pirate was off to swipe some gold from said pretty little dragon.
So on this fateful day, Ender braved the isle of the dragon. What did he find? A lizard. She was cute. And she could change the like stories into a beautiful lady. The problem was, she was a pixie dragon. A snap dragon. Meaning? She was like the size of a doll. Lovely never the less. She was deeply sad. Evidently the legend of dragons etc. Had left her without a friend or any company for some time. Ender the pirate recently planning on becoming a cook promoted to captain of the Black Skimmer. Devised a plan. He parleyed with the pixie named Liz short for Lizard evidently. Ender called her Bonita. Which cheered her up immediately. Why?
If you knew who or whom Ender or Clint or Clinton or Claw or Talon used to play with, you would realize that he had style. A charm. A way to be who he was letting other be whom they were and well live happily content knowing that each other existed not for a solo purpose of usage. But as a friend. Ender had a dangerous habit. He was a friend. To even the soulless. Which made him something of a person to hang around when drinking, and you want to confess something dark and stupid. Because as a friend, unless you were hurting someone. The past was the past. And his ears had heard so much he worried about reality.
That day Liz confessed why her parents had abandoned her. She was too small. Her father, a dragon of some princely realm, had drank a shrinking potion. Where exactly? Evidently upon hearing the tale it was in Wonderland. Then getting drunk with the Mad Hatter had an affair with a fairy snap dragon. And the thus she was. Small. Ender thinking told Liz a story. To Liz: Which she listened too:
Wonderland? Why, yes, I have been there. It is off the coast of Never-land, a sort of between Oz and Katmandu, however, on the Chinese side, not the Nepal side of the Tibetan hiding place of the garden of paradise near the ocean.
Few people realize that in England with the assumption that Alice was English that small portals or wrap hole or rabbit holes lead to the tunnels that crisscross Europe leading to many places in the world and elsewhere.
Any ways, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson talk with great-great Uncle Richard Francis Burton lead to his rather oddity book about a place that great uncle Burton talked about during the night tea.
Uncle Burton talked about how h and a madman that made hats for a living once fell through a hole following a historical piece stolen by what only he could describe was a fast moving bunny rabbit which he never caught.
The hat maker in one of uncle Burton’s they gave many tales the name of Gregor MacGregor after a discussion that he never was sure his proper name but that how as a hat maker was for sure. The title unofficial or not was part of the real tale told by uncle Burton when he would take a shot of whiskey.
There was this map. Which was the special historical piece which was stolen yes,? The map that could take people's cross time, space, and supposedly worlds. The mad hatter MacGregor had stumbled upon this map during his conquest of the republic of Poyans.
Just where had the map come from? Who knows, however, uncle Burton told how titling MacGregor pirate or cacique of Poyans had at one time pirated a Spanish ship that had treasures coming from Europe to Venezuela.
One had to ask uncle Burton was he sure that the ship was not coming from South America to Europe. Or why would Spain send treasure to South America? Whiskey tell tales and you have to verify and wonder about them. No. Uncle Burton was sure that MacGregor had said they bound the ship to Panama City. A catholic cardinal or some chief official carrying books, maps, and to a pirate very little useful spoils to be spent.
Anyway, where was I? Oh, yes. The dream. Or was this the dream? Dreaming is awful sorrowful these days. Watching the end of time. The wheel has spun out of control and watching time spin backwards billions of years people forget. Pray for peace. Anyway, with a twinkle in my eye, I am not there anymore. Humor a map. Yes, yes, that was where this story was supposed to go.
Ender after telling her that story. He had found that map in a bookstore a long time ago. And knew of a potion that would make her big again if she would join the crew. She agreed. Ender however told the tale of how he had joined Pal de Rio in a time different that time: In memory of pirates.. here and there.. On 13 February 1963 Paul del Rio at the age of 19 was the leader of a Venezuelan revolutionary group of the Armed Forces of National Liberation that seized the Venezuelan cargo ship Anzoategui in the Caribbean, to overthrow the president Romulo Betancourt. Involving 25 men we hauled the ship off to Brazilian coast evading both the Venezuelan Navy and the U.S. Navy. That in a library which had kept the diaries of Richard Francis Burton in the maps of where they were going.
Ender drank some more rum giving Liz some to.. Soon, the whole crew Claw, Squirrel, and Raccoon joined in singing with Liz the lizard dragon about their coming adventures.
The lady dragon sighed. Ender? The lady dragon spoke, “You remember now?” Ender could remember the stories as if he had lived them. He had lived them and died many more lives than a spirit should. He knew his curse. He knew something else. Ender’s reply, “Daughter of Cain, I knew who you were when I drank your tea and partied with you.” the voice was that of someone else’s/ Whose?
The dragon lady just clapped her hands in delight. “Oh, Talon, it has been thousands, millions, even billions of years since I have heard you.” She replied.
Talon looked at her through eyes that had seen millions die. Planets eructated on orders. On whose orders? Atlantis was dead a long time ago. The reality of the matter he no longer remembered even his seven brothers. Let alone the daughter of Cains’s name. She? She had been in Atlantis when he feel. She and her kind had organized the destruction of humankind. For a purpose? Memories flooded. Of the CO2 gas coming through the ocean floor and wiping out all humanity within the coastline and then. Asteroids and nukes. However, this ending with the battle of heaven again?
He remembered the star bridge of a distinct reality. A reality so ahead of this time and place he wondered who int heir right mind would fight God? Even with Borgs, zombies, and hellfire. The sun platform could not withstand even one blast he remembered and the sun? Just a mirror waiting to use powered at least seven times to burn heaven away. In yet? It held only a candle of power these days. People forget their power to leave reality and God’s ability to play with light, time, and reality.
Ender the pirate survived the reality of the times. And thought he should have stayed where? Inside his mind. For the outside of his mind, of dread, he was watching the time of tribulation brought about by humanity. A sickness of dread fell over Ender. To realize all this was a man attempted to fight heaven coming. Space Force against heaven? Let alone do they not have the legends of old? Those in the know lost their minds because someone had stolen them a long time ago with project Montauk. And? It was the way of an ending of things; I suppose. To realize that each soul has a place. One in the book of life. One in the book of judgment. That was what John von Neumann wrote about on his last paper 5.7 billion years into a future that never happened here. Why? That future is dead. This too is dead. To realize all this is an illusion is a sort of awful mess. BELIEVE in Christ. In yet all the people here are dead already according to closed time curved loop reality. SO? Meaning I walk through the valley of death and fear evil? No, I will flee evil. Who wants to rule in hell for when there is a next level to this game and there? I find this part funny. The game is the game of thrones. I once or twice was a king maker.. And now? Those who feared who I knew no longer even remember why they feared those I knew.. Which is an oddity. Did they lose their power? I attempted to ask once. That was a dreadful mistake. Who are you? I am me. I am Clint; I am Clinton, I and Clinton R. Siegel- That did not go so well.? What can a pirate do other than watch in amazement as some people thinking that 400 years of technology hidden in the patent office can help save humanity from heaven? Does it? That is the trick of time. It did in a past. The mirror realities existed. And now? Laughter my soul hurts I know someone or something that makes this a more interesting story. Still rates only in the top 3. And now reality is just a question in my mind.
There once was a dragon which lived in a cave. Actually, a shape shifter named Liz. She was a beautiful human and wonderful colored dragon. The problem, of course, was size and height of this pretty creature of divinity. She was only over 13 inches and when a dragon is that small... Why sometimes a person is at fault calling a dragon a lizard, you would know. As for her large cave, it was really more of a hole in a treasure box where she kept her treasure. Now one knows that treasure of a dragon is gold. The idea being worth something. The problem, of course, is a small dragon gold coin and such were about as big as her hands. So she collected jewels, diamonds and such. That was where Ender the pirate and crew came in. Being sold a book of maps at a used bookstore and being well drank rum until drunk rum from Chuma rum by the local bar keep. Being told of a fierce dragon and gold hoard on the isle of “Dragon” Ender, the pirate was off to swipe some gold from said pretty little dragon.
So on this fateful day, Ender braved the isle of the dragon. What did he find? A lizard. She was cute. And she could change the like stories into a beautiful lady. The problem was, she was a pixie dragon. A snap dragon. Meaning? She was like the size of a doll. Lovely never the less. She was deeply sad. Evidently the legend of dragons etc. Had left her without a friend or any company for some time. Ender the pirate recently planning on becoming a cook promoted to captain of the Black Skimmer. Devised a plan. He parleyed with the pixie named Liz short for Lizard evidently. Ender called her Bonita. Which cheered her up immediately. Why?
If you knew who or whom Ender or Clint or Clinton or Claw or Talon used to play with, you would realize that he had style. A charm. A way to be who he was letting other be whom they were and well live happily content knowing that each other existed not for a solo purpose of usage. But as a friend. Ender had a dangerous habit. He was a friend. To even the soulless. Which made him something of a person to hang around when drinking, and you want to confess something dark and stupid. Because as a friend, unless you were hurting someone. The past was the past. And his ears had heard so much he worried about reality.
That day Liz confessed why her parents had abandoned her. She was too small. Her father, a dragon of some princely realm, had drank a shrinking potion. Where exactly? Evidently upon hearing the tale it was in Wonderland. Then getting drunk with the Mad Hatter had an affair with a fairy snap dragon. And the thus she was. Small. Ender thinking told Liz a story. To Liz: Which she listened too:
Wonderland? Why, yes, I have been there. It is off the coast of Never-land, a sort of between Oz and Katmandu, however, on the Chinese side, not the Nepal side of the Tibetan hiding place of the garden of paradise near the ocean.
Few people realize that in England with the assumption that Alice was English that small portals or wrap hole or rabbit holes lead to the tunnels that crisscross Europe leading to many places in the world and elsewhere.
Any ways, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson talk with great-great Uncle Richard Francis Burton lead to his rather oddity book about a place that great uncle Burton talked about during the night tea.
Uncle Burton talked about how h and a madman that made hats for a living once fell through a hole following a historical piece stolen by what only he could describe was a fast moving bunny rabbit which he never caught.
The hat maker in one of uncle Burton’s they gave many tales the name of Gregor MacGregor after a discussion that he never was sure his proper name but that how as a hat maker was for sure. The title unofficial or not was part of the real tale told by uncle Burton when he would take a shot of whiskey.
There was this map. Which was the special historical piece which was stolen yes,? The map that could take people’s cross time, space, and supposedly worlds. The mad hatter MacGregor had stumbled upon this map during his conquest of the republic of Poyans.
Just where had the map come from? Who knows, however, uncle Burton told how titling MacGregor pirate or cacique of Poyans had at one time pirated a Spanish ship that had treasures coming from Europe to Venezuela.
One had to ask uncle Burton was he sure that the ship was not coming from South America to Europe. Or why would Spain send treasure to South America? Whiskey tells tales, and you have to verify and wonder about them. No. Uncle Burton was sure that MacGregor had said they bound the ship to Panama City. A catholic cardinal or some chief official carrying books, maps, and to a pirate very little useful spoils to be spent.
Anyway, where was I? Oh, yes. The dream. Or was this the dream? Dreaming is awful sorrowful these days. Watching the end of time. The wheel has spun out of control and watching time spin backwards billions of years people forget. Pray for peace. Anyway, with a twinkle in my eye, I am not there anymore. Humor a map. Yes, yes, that was where this story was supposed to go.
Ender after telling her that story. He had found that map in a bookstore a long time ago. And knew of a potion that would make her big again if she would join the crew. She agreed. Ender however told the tale of how he had joined Pal de Rio in a time different that time: In memory of pirates.. here and there.. On 13 February 1963 Paul del Rio at 19 was the leader of a Venezuelan revolutionary group of the Armed Forces of National Liberation that seized the Venezuelan cargo ship Anzoategui in the Caribbean, to overthrow the president Romulo Betancourt. Involving 25 men we hauled the ship off to Brazilian coast evading both the Venezuelan Navy and the U.S. Navy. That in a library which had kept the diaries of Richard Francis Burton in the maps of where they were going.
Ender drank some more rum giving Liz some to.. Soon, the whole crew Claw, Squirrel, and Raccoon joined in singing with Liz the lizard dragon about their coming adventures.
Somehow all made it aboard the Black Skimmer. With a two extra crew members. A dragon title given a lizard. And a duck.. Now the duck story is told those that remember Ender’s begging of mutiny and why no ducks were aboard the Black Skimmer.. But evidently Ender either had not relived that part of his life or he was in a forgiving mood.
A note in Ender’s journal sword is never enough - the mind is a weapon but like the sword it must be honed and kept sharp— echoes the darkness... as the duck takes the black skimmer closer into nothingness...
So off they went to sail to Wonderland via Never Neverland. So a Shadow boy approaches.
Ender was a bit perturbed. All he could find was his pirate dress, nothing of his college clothes or jacket. Washing up and not finding a razor. He looked into the mirror and realized he sort of reminded himself of a lost teddy bear.
Ender going down stairs he found that all his gear was spread out across six tables. Each book opened to something of interest and his pack with his college clothes and goblet was there along with a chest and what looked like a ship in a bottle.
He wondered exactly how long he had been there and what exactly he had done. For he remembered dancing, drinking, and some sort of drinking contest with the pirate shadow but after that. Well, awaking in the nude with three laughing ladies.
In walked the lady dragon swaying in such a sensual manner Ender was blushing. She said, “Ah, time traveler are your memories coming back?” Ender to be honest was sort of at a loss. Wonder exactly he had done.
She continued to talk. She said, “That was some week of a party. You out drinking the pirate shadow and winning his ship was something to see.” Ender went to look at the ship in a bottle and realized it was the Black Skimmer.
She said,”You do not remember do you?” Ender just looked around trying to figure out what to say or do. She indicated to sit and magically there was breakfast there. She said, “I concur with your agreement Ender.” This made Ender jump. Then his memory came back. A deal was a deal. He had invested his fortune in the cafe Shi with the understanding she would invest it and bring him riches. That was no problem. For he had nothing when the adventure began and if he lost everything so be it. But his memories also including that of Claw the pirate, Clinton R. Siegle, and well a third person he was trying to recall.
The dragon smiled and indicated a book. A journal of Clinton R. Siegle. Emder picked up the book and brought it to the breakfast table and began to read.
For some reason he could see a future where he had lived this life and made him wonder about life. He recalled the events as if they were happening to him right then and there. And in his reading to realize how old he claimed to be he wondered if he was insane.
The dragon lady laughed at the expression Ender had on his face. She said, “You do not recall everything, do you time travel?” Ender just looked at her. She continued by asking, “What is the first story of dragons do you recall because that part of the journal is missing?” Ender recalled that part of the journal but that was not the first time he had heard of dragons. He hesitated to tell the story. But since she asked.
Ender said, “I remember a time when I was born in 1963 not 1971 and I met my great grandfather Christopher Siegle a farmer, German Russian from Bavara who had the largest book I had ever seen when I was like four.” Ender thought how to continue. He remembered the stories his great grandfather had told him but how? He had died three years before he was born or at least in this reality.
The dragon lady watched waiting for his story.
Ender cleared his throat. “When I was born in another time. I met my great grandfather.” Stopping to think where to continue with this story. He went on the best he could. Ender said,”Our original last name has many spellings. Siegfried, Siguad, Siegle, Siegel, Seagel, and a few others. It all depended on the religion that we followed I suppose.” Thinking where to go with this story Ender pondered. Anyway, Peter von Siegle was a small nobleman in the 1700s who collected all the old stores of our various family names.” Thinking about the large book was something. He remembered the lettering all in high German. It was a reason his grandfather could not read it to him in his reality this time around Ender supposed. Ender continued, “Anyway when I was four, my great grandfather was drinking himself to death because of his losses throughout his life.” Thinking about how much he had lost Ender realized that communisms, Nazism, were the ban of humanity.
Ender said,”Anyway, I was usually in his home after Sunday school while my parents socialized in Fallon, Montana. Thinking about what he had just read he realized who the shadow pirate was. It was a legend of course. Death was supposedly locked up in hell but his shadow had escaped once upon a time. A pirate or Peter Pan. Ender shrugged and continued, “Anyway, one day I found a huge book and opened in and tried to get my grandfather to read it to me. He said he could not and to ask his father. Now, Christopher was drinking at this time and speaking broken English and mostly Russian at this time.” Ender thought this was so long ago in a different life. Not this one for sure. He wondered if it was not a dream and all these dreams were just horrible endings.
Anyway, Ender continued, “Siegfried's story was written in some churches recording in Bavaria about how he became a knight in somewhere around the 1400s. The story went that he went into the forest seeking the dragon that had been eating the local animals and supposedly a maiden or two.”
Ender kind of looked at the dragon who for the fun of it licked her lips not in an I am going to eat you way but in a sensual way that women have about them. This kind of made Ender blushed. Ender continued, “Anyway Siegfield, had lost a pig and went searching for the pig in the forest.” Anyway the church records recorded this in high German which Christpher told me laughing. The tale in the church records went that the dragon was eating a goat lately stolen from some person, whose name was not recorded. And That Sir Sieggielf with a spear in an open field attacked the dragon. The battle went hard for Siegfried. His clothing torn to fragments, and he was bloody and smelly. Fiercely the fight went back and forth with him using a spear and the dragon fiercely burning down a structure was near the place of the battle.” Ender's recollection of this disturbed him because he could recall a laughter of such deep sadness.
Anyway, in the end the dragon was slain and Siegfried the pig farmer was knighted by the local noble and church wrote this down in their records someplace in forest which celebrates to this day his victory.
Ender laughed thinking more of the story. The lady dragon, not looking pleased, said, “And is there more?”
Ender smiled, and continued, “That is the official record of some churches in Germany. However, in family lore the story went a bit differently. The story went that Siegfried went into the forest for his pig. He had picked up a large pole because he had nothing else to herd it back with.
The family lore is less ferocious. Mr. Siegfried, a farmer not a fighter or knight at the time, went to find his lost hog. He had with a hiking stick to herd his hog back home. Now the swine had been eating mushrooms, or something of a quirk in the woodland and appropriately he went where he knew where they were hoping to find his hog. He found his hogs tracks and walked right into a shed in the middle of the forest. There was this giganti dragon eating his hog. Being quite mad. Because that was his hog. And not thinking., he swung his stick at the dragon seemingly causing a fire from the roasted hog to catch everything in the starting on fire. Now, the humor is wild here. The hog not evidently having been cut or slaughtered correctly blew up. Pig shit went everywhere hitting Mr. Siegfried and making a rather stinky mess of everything. Now the dragon seemed to have run straight into Mr. Siegfield's stick. Right into the dragon's eye." Hearing this the dragon lady hissed. Ender continued 'Supposedly killing it. That was family lore, being a somewhat curious child there were footnotes in high and in another language which I asked about. My great grandfather laughed.
The secret written there was that the dragon’s of Germany had made spell shapeshifts into humans. But to do so required the sacrifice of an eye of a dragon. Since, no one dragon wanted to hurt each other they decided on this dubious plan to force a human into doing it for them.
Thus, Sir Siegfried, was given the shedded scales of the dragon, and told on or in pain of death that he was to be the hero that saved Germany from the last dragon.
Anyway, my great grandfather laughed and said, “Sir Siegfried loved to drink after that and accidently told the truth once in the company of people he knew from the old days. Evidently one or two of them were dragons because he was murdered after that and family lore was hidden away in a journal.”
And with that Ender had finished the story and his breakfast.
Ender was a bit perturbed. All he could find was his pirate dress, nothing of his college clothes or jacket. Washing up and not finding a razor. He looked into the mirror and realized he sort of reminded himself of a lost teddy bear.
Ender going down stairs he found that all his gear was spread out across six tables. Each book opened to something of interest and his pack with his college clothes and goblet was there along with a chest and what looked like a ship in a bottle.
He wondered exactly how long he had been there and what exactly he had done. For he remembered dancing, drinking, and some sort of drinking contest with the pirate shadow but after that. Well, awaking in the nude with three laughing ladies.
In walked the lady dragon swaying in such a sensual manner Ender was blushing. She said, “Ah, time traveler are your memories coming back?” Ender to be honest was sort of at a loss. Wonder exactly he had done.
She continued to talk. She said, “That was some week of a party. You out drinking the pirate shadow and winning his ship was something to see.” Ender went to look at the ship in a bottle and realized it was the Black Skimmer.
She said,”You do not remember do you?” Ender just looked around trying to figure out what to say or do. She indicated to sit and magically there was breakfast there. She said, “I concur with your agreement Ender.” This made Ender jump. Then his memory came back. A deal was a deal. He had invested his fortune in the cafe Shi with the understanding she would invest it and bring him riches. That was no problem. For he had nothing when the adventure began and if he lost everything so be it. But his memories also including that of Claw the pirate, Clinton R. Siegle, and well a third person he was trying to recall.
The dragon smiled and indicated a book. A journal of Clinton R. Siegle. Emder picked up the book and brought it to the breakfast table and began to read.
For some reason he could see a future where he had lived this life and made him wonder about life. He recalled the events as if they were happening to him right then and there. And in his reading to realize how old he claimed to be he wondered if he was insane.
The dragon lady laughed at the expression Ender had on his face. She said, “You do not recall everything, do you time travel?” Ender just looked at her. She continued by asking, “What is the first story of dragons do you recall because that part of the journal is missing?” Ender recalled that part of the journal but that was not the first time he had heard of dragons. He hesitated to tell the story. But since she asked.
Ender said, “I remember a time when I was born in 1963 not 1971 and I met my great grandfather Christopher Siegle a farmer, German Russian from Bavara who had the largest book I had ever seen when I was like four.” Ender thought how to continue. He remembered the stories his great grandfather had told him but how? He had died three years before he was born or at least in this reality.
The dragon lady watched waiting for his story.
Ender cleared his throat. “When I was born in another time. I met my great grandfather.” Stopping to think where to continue with this story. He went on the best he could. Ender said,”Our original last name has many spellings. Siegfried, Siguad, Siegle, Siegel, Seagel, and a few others. It all depended on the religion that we followed I suppose.” Thinking where to go with this story Ender pondered. Anyway, Peter von Siegle was a small nobleman in the 1700s who collected all the old stores of our various family names.” Thinking about the large book was something. He remembered the lettering all in high German. It was a reason his grandfather could not read it to him in his reality this time around Ender supposed. Ender continued, “Anyway when I was four, my great grandfather was drinking himself to death because of his losses throughout his life.” Thinking about how much he had lost Ender realized that communisms, Nazism, were the ban of humanity.
Ender said,”Anyway, I was usually in his home after Sunday school while my parents socialized in Fallon, Montana. Thinking about what he had just read he realized who the shadow pirate was. It was a legend of course. Death was supposedly locked up in hell but his shadow had escaped once upon a time. A pirate or Peter Pan. Ender shrugged and continued, “Anyway, one day I found a huge book and opened in and tried to get my grandfather to read it to me. He said he could not and to ask his father. Now, Christopher was drinking at this time and speaking broken English and mostly Russian at this time.” Ender thought this was so long ago in a different life. Not this one for sure. He wondered if it was not a dream and all these dreams were just horrible endings.
Anyway, Ender continued, “Siegfried's story was written in some churches recording in Bavaria about how he became a knight in somewhere around the 1400s. The story went that he went into the forest seeking the dragon that had been eating the local animals and supposedly a maiden or two.”
Ender kind of looked at the dragon who for the fun of it licked her lips not in an I am going to eat you way but in a sensual way that women have about them. This kind of made Ender blushed. Ender continued, “Anyway Siegfield, had lost a pig and went searching for the pig in the forest.” Anyway the church records recorded this in high German which Christpher told me laughing. The tale in the church records went that the dragon was eating a goat lately stolen from some person, whose name was not recorded. And That Sir Sieggielf with a spear in an open field attacked the dragon. The battle went hard for Siegfried. His clothing torn to fragments, and he was bloody and smelly. Fiercely the fight went back and forth with him using a spear and the dragon fiercely burning down a structure was near the place of the battle.” Ender's recollection of this disturbed him because he could recall a laughter of such deep sadness.
Anyway, in the end the dragon was slain and Siegfried the pig farmer was knighted by the local noble and church wrote this down in their records someplace in forest which celebrates to this day his victory.
Ender laughed thinking more of the story. The lady dragon, not looking pleased, said, “And is there more?”
Ender smiled, and continued, “That is the official record of some churches in Germany. However, in family lore the story went a bit differently. The story went that Siegfried went into the forest for his pig. He had picked up a large pole because he had nothing else to herd it back with.
The family lore is less ferocious. Mr. Siegfried, a farmer not a fighter or knight at the time, went to find his lost hog. He had with a hiking stick to herd his hog back home. Now the swine had been eating mushrooms, or something of a quirk in the woodland and appropriately he went where he knew where they were hoping to find his hog. He found his hogs tracks and walked right into a shed in the middle of the forest. There was this giganti dragon eating his hog. Being quite mad. Because that was his hog. And not thinking., he swung his stick at the dragon seemingly causing a fire from the roasted hog to catch everything in the starting on fire. Now, the humor is wild here. The hog not evidently having been cut or slaughtered correctly blew up. Pig shit went everywhere hitting Mr. Siegfried and making a rather stinky mess of everything. Now the dragon seemed to have run straight into Mr. Siegfield's stick. Right into the dragon's eye." Hearing this the dragon lady hissed. Ender continued 'Supposedly killing it. That was family lore, being a somewhat curious child there were footnotes in high and in another language which I asked about. My great grandfather laughed.
The secret written there was that the dragon’s of Germany had made spell shapeshifts into humans. But to do so required the sacrifice of an eye of a dragon. Since, no one dragon wanted to hurt each other they decided on this dubious plan to force a human into doing it for them.
Thus, Sir Siegfried, was given the shedded scales of the dragon, and told on or in pain of death that he was to be the hero that saved Germany from the last dragon.
Anyway, my great grandfather laughed and said, “Sir Siegfried loved to drink after that and accidently told the truth once in the company of people he knew from the old days. Evidently one or two of them were dragons because he was murdered after that and family lore was hidden away in a journal.”
And with that Ender had finished the story and his breakfast.
An invisible thread connects those who will meet, regardless of time, place, and circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle. But it will never break There once was a dragon which lived in a cave. Actually, a shape sifter named Liz. She was a beautiful human and wonderful colored dragon. The problem, of course, was size and height of this pretty creature of divinity. You see, she was only a bit over 13 inches and when a dragon is that small... Why sometimes a person is at fault calling a dragon a lizard, you would know. As for her large cave, it was really more of a hole in a treasure box where she kept her treasure. Now one knows that treasure of a dragon is gold. The idea being worth something. The problem, of course, is a small dragon gold coin and such were about as big as her hands. So she collected jewels, diamonds and such. That was where Ender the pirate and crew came in. Being sold a book of maps at a used bookstore and being well rummed up by the local bar keep. Being told of a fierce dragon and gold hoard on the isle of “Dragon” Ender, the pirate was off to swipe some gold from said pretty little dragon. Upon landing from the Black Skimmer, Ender set the crew about cleaning and crewing the ship. While he scouted ahead to the dark large cave which was supposed to be at the middle of the isle. But to his surprise he discovered no cave, only what looked like a very large lunch box treasure chest with a hole in it. That day Ender had to chuckle as he saw Liz the fierce dragon of Dragon isle come out of her “cave” She was a lizard, he thought. Then she transformed into the measure lady that she was. Wow.. Ender thought of all the places she could sneak into and the wealth to be had. Planning a new plan, Ender went back to his ship to prepare it for a new member of Ender the pirates crew. He instructed his crew to defer to the dragon or lizard and always call her by her formal title dragon-ist. He then put together a nice snug room for her cave and had the bear prepare a nice turkey dinner for her, which was part of his plan. Upon the bears finishing touches of the turkey off Ender, the pirate went to the Dragon cave’. He called out to the treasure chest lunch box Oh mighty dragon-ist, I have a meal for you’.. The dragon being a lady could smell something good and was curious not having many visitors do to the legend of the mighty dragon on Dragon isle. Liz the dragon came out of her cave. She saw what did she see. A mad hatter- no, a pirate yes, or a mad hatter dressed as a pirate. Liz was a bit taken back. She thought of him as a wild man so was curious as to his desire. Ender invited her to dine on a miniature table where he set the whole turkey and stuffing on. She saw this as a great deal and joined him for a conversational tale. There once was a pirate named Ender. Who roamed the wild seas in search of venture and treasure? He searched with his ship the Black Skimmer, which he and his crew loved for the long haul and easy smuggling. The ventures were fierce, and the pay was small, but to be a pirate was all this crew could want to be. They would sing a song and sail along on the high sea... So there they were, about to capture a merchant man ship off the coast of Japan. Silk, pottery, golden objects, when the current started to carry them away from the prize ship. The crew of course of a duck, bear, and Ender could not do much but watch as the prize floated outside their range. The current swiped the Black Skimmer along the narrow current path through the sea towards the Chinese Sea and out towards the ocean. Ender was singing along and the duck at the helm was quacking for all he was worth. The bear having missed a chance to plunder was into the rum and honey and not thinking much more than that the world was a venture that was weird at times and that honey on the paws is something sweet. The wind blew the current brought up drowned ships older than times itself. One even looked like a UFO. There were roman vessels; there were Chinese junks, Viking long boats, not just one or two ole 1500 century pirate ships but more than dozen flying the skull and crossbones. Time shift to a similar person but in a different time zone. This is a simple story of a space battle, such a tale as told by a pirate who is no writer to a reader who is no pirate. The morning of Sunday, the seventh of day of June 2013, was bright and cold. The wake up call of the captain was sounded rather late, for the snakes, wearied with long voyage, were to have a day at port in New York City prior to destroying and conquering the planet for their own evil design to end human kind. The snake people were here for revenge and were ahead of the heavenly ship by eight years. Within seven years they will have conquered the world and made the humans their slaves both mentally and physically destroying, murdering, and causing wars that would destroy a full four fifth of the world’s population. The men in black were hopeless in fighting the snakes and the worlds the snakes had influenced governments to build their bunkers within the worlds crust which would be nuked to a French fry, causing no people to live there. But that day, that day prior to Nibilus arrival, was such a strange day. The snake people dressed as human wondered through New York using their stolen credit cards to buy what they wanted and make the jewelry stores their profit for a lifetime and since they would only live another few days. Well, that was their day. AS a pirate, this is where I came upon this viewing. Pirates viewing is a bit different from a seer’s viewer or fortune tellers. Ender the Pirate was hoping only for a profit. Now how did a land dwelling pirate end up p in space one might ask and that is the jest of the story The portals to other worlds and realms was opened to him due to his riding the great skimmer into the tidal cycle that wove around earth and ate ships, isle, and whole continents at times. The story goes Ender was about to take the ship little Endeavor from Ms. Churchill off the coast of Japan in 1500s when the tide pulled the skimmer into a slush pill of other ships and tings. The cycle pulled and pushed and the skimmer was pulled out into the ocean from the Chinese Sea, which was the Japanese sea within minutes of it being sucked into the tide. There Ender was forced to reconsider life and chances. The first encounter on the tidal cycle was other survivors looking for food. Piracy is soothing to think about these days Pirates have been around since Caesar’s and before his days A little booty, a little loot goes far these days The pirate named Ender the claw was something special in his days He sailed the ocean on board the Black Skimmer ship in those days Looting and piracy were common occurrences in those days Piracy was a common thief in those days Story of threes... you have heard it. The accident happened then another and a third just for the kicks of it. Be ready for anything. I do not know what I am, but I have survived again. The third attempt I survived or is there more. What happens next... that is the story... right leg, left foot gone, hearing almost gone, humor how a person trying to kill me with a zip gun attempted murder, and well, the world is out to get someone. But why this life was to be a bookworm. What could I have done? Alternatively, it could have been... that is a question I do not understand... seated here I realize I should have taken a left corner instead of a right. I would have been next to there... that make no sense... perhaps try something else... a book an author... a poet maybe ... I tried a bit a professional ... perchance I could have been a marine... Or stand against the odds... how I would catch to work against the dragons... what is life like what to say what to do... the tale of ender the pirate most know... Welcome back to the presentation of how the world is nowadays... There is an Almighty that I know .. I knew of him for a while. He is great and terrible his world is not that which I would be a choice for this life. I do know that his domain is coming closer. Ceres or Nebular or somewhere else where is Heaven and then that makes there a hell. What will happen? The wars, the peace called by everyone but fulfilled by none. Earthquakes in diverse places, volcano, wars, the world is coming apart per verses in the Bible. Why? What purpose? If the end is known why play the game? That is the question- is there an alternative world or domain or universe? Is hell the outcome for all those that are not proper or wanting to be right? That is weird about the questioning... I heard the story from someone from the ole country. What to do? Why three what is the secret. What is the story? Erotic dragon keeps? My dear passionate lady let us play a tale a story of butt of course spanks me at the moment or handcuff me later? Let us see who has the imagination which is most naughty today or tonight... come to a dragon keep you say... This is an imagine story of a dragon; I heard tell tales about in Dragon Wild or run or tales... His author named him Griffin, for this tale I will talk about one of his nights with three dragon ladies and a game well we will just say started off with a bit of poker and went on to spank me at present or handcuff me subsequently. The setting was New Orleans; I believe the tale goes something like his fourth book was released. The author of the first three books being assassinated like Robert Jordan, Robert Aspirin. The third author assassinated was George MacDonald being George McDonald for convincing tales that should not be informed about well fairies, dragons, and charmed beings. Being something of a mischief maker, I shall tell the tale. You see the current President's assassins did them in the same was they are doing in a lot of charmed folks over here across the pond. The reason anyone who may perhaps stand up to him and tell the truth or change or sway the population is being dealt with. Why am I so braved? I am a pirate my lady, and I use to play a pretty game of spank me... But enough forward and for warning if we are going to have an erotic tale let us begin. This tale happened right after a great adventure on a night which both scotch for the man, wine for the Asian dragon, beer for the local redhead, and the blonde well I do not recall what she was drinking. They all started off with some innocent chatter about poker. If you have not read Apsrin books do so they hold more of that tale, then I care to recall. This night, however, losing could be considered winning for the male dragon. The Asian dragon had just lost her bra of course in a full house bid to have her way in this foursome party they were planning. Seem dragons like humans enjoy being a bit tips for well shall we say adventures in the bedroom. Passionately, she let the man take the bra off with his teeth. She nipped him right behind his ear. This was the beginning of the end for his chance to escape unscratched or unclamped as some would say. The Asian dragon being the oldest toke the male dragon her smaller form modeling into a shape that was sort of like a body armor or prison suit depending on the personal perspective of sex. She was into him in such a way that both their eyes glazed over in that lizard-like way when someone would say treasure or gold or something of total interest to them alone such that they would forget the world around them. The other two female watched in skillfully ways learning what and how, etc. The physical action if described right would make erotic sexual Indian love manual positions 16 to 90 back to 30 when you consider I am talking about a human that was turning from mortal form to a dragon to a human the idea being the masculine size grew to a dragon size just before the human form of the dragon female became dragon making orgasm in porn seem mild or wondering why they could keep at it for more than 50 minutes without the virile ejaculation. Then in a position I am not sure what she turned to a dragon tail and human form and lead him into his dragon form below the waster while leaving him in the human form above the waist. The tail touching parts of his body that I could only guess being what I am of course...How is this Amanda?
A dragon or fairy story
Dragons. People forget their history. In fact, if it was not for my family. Which my family related to Sir Siegfield. Who slayed the dragon at Furth im Wald? Personally, I would not know much more than the fantasy books and television programs.
The last dragon killed by a farmer my great some number back grandfather on my father’s side in Bavaria. The tale went that the farmer, him to be brave. And that the dragon had been eating goats and animals through the forest there. And causing all kinds of confusion. The official battle noted is some German church. There the embellishment went. That Sir Siegfield with a spear in an open field attacked the dragon. The battle went hard for Siegfield. His clothing torn to fragments, and he was bloody and smelly. Fiercely the fight went back and forth with him using a spearnd the dragon was fiercely burning down a shed or outbuilding. The fight lasted hours per the biblical scholarly hand copy in high German writing. In the end, my high German failed, and I had to ask for help with the translation. The pages made the fight seem as follows.
Sir Siegfield’s spear pierced the dragon. While the dragon fire went wide, burning a shed with beasts in it. That is the short and delightful tale of the last dragon.
What is missing is family lore, and an original journal kept by Sir Siegfield’s son?
The family lore is less ferocious. Mr. Siegfield which was a farmer not a fighter nor knight at the time went to find his lost hog. He had with him his hiking stick. Now, his swine had been eating mushrooms. Or something of a quirk in the woodland, and appropriately he went there hoping to find his hog. He found his pigs tracks and walked right to a shed in the middle of the forest. There was this gigantic dragon thing eating his hog. Being quite mad. Because that was his hog. And not thinking, he swung his stick at the dragon that seemingly had a fire going, cooking his hog. Now, the humor is rather wild here. The dragon jumped into the fire, creating a fire that burnt said shed down. While on fire, the hog which evidently had not been cut up or slaughtered correctly blew up. Pig shit went everywhere, hitting Mr. Siegfield and making a rather stinker mess.
Now, the dragon also seems to have run straight into Mr. Siegfield’s stick. Right into its eye, killing it. That was family lore. Being a somewhat curious child. When I was a child, my great grandfather Christoper opened a journal. That had been in the family and read in German then translating to me this bit.
So there I was again entering Cafe Shi. The crowd was a bit lit. Lets be honest outside of the tea server and me the place was empty. Then walked in. Well. A lady in yet? I had my eye patch on and my other eye was a bit cloudy she reminded me of a dragon I once meet in another tale along long time ago. She sat in the center of the room. Evidently either she was her own security or she felt comfortable being who she was.
She spoke. The tea server ran to do her bidding. Myself? Let be honest a poor pirate sipping tea in China. Might as well watch a lovely lady drink tea. They paid big bucks for drinking tea in 1849 or so I heard. While she was waiting for her tea. She spotted me. That I was not obvious was clear. I think I took her breath away. Or maybe surprised her abit. In my humble opinion have that way with the opposite fair sex.
So we sat drinking tea. To break the silence I ordered my special. The tea server seemed hestiant to do what was normally done without question. Evidently the lady had put a change in the room and who she was? The tea server knew. And I? I am a pirate unless I am going about romance or something I like to drink alone and read my journal. Which I was doing and adding a bit of notes to my last tale. Ender the king of Pirate land. A tale and back again. Or how I escaped responsibility.
So there a pirate and a lady that resembled a dragon sat drinking tea, and special tea. Meaning? Mine was rum. It was kind of nice. In walked another person. This one I had not seen since my trip to watch the city of Bablyon fall in the year 2021 or 2022. Shameful. A Time wizard. He sat next to the lady and began a conversation without noticing me. The lady did not intrupt just smiled and sipped her tea.
The man was rather upset. Time, etc was twisted and the rules of the system of things broken. He asked if she knew who would do such a stupid thing? She indicated her head towards me. At the sight of me the Time wizard tried his magic. The nice thing about being part Talon by this time no magic of the later eras worked. Sure they can cut of my foot but that just undoes the twist of time.
His spell rebounded with a horrible after effect to the tea server. At this I stopped writing put down my pen and did what I do. The tea server who was losing her soul got up and thanked me and ran away.
The time wizard was trying again. I on the other hand was tired and did something he had never been trained in doing. Ages ago magic was real and now? The new time wizards might be powerful and dangerous. The mormon jedi try. However, reading a spell and knowing what it actually does because you have to let someone do it to you over and over again watching your body die and reanimate over and over again are two seperate things. The wizard was trapped. How? Secrets are secret.
The lady begin to speak he is not responsible he is the reason though. The wizard face was caught in a mixture of terror and unwanted pain. WHAT?
I went back to my table and gathered my things. I left. The wizard would be freed in a matter of a few minutes. And I had nothing more to do with Cafe Shi from that time forward.
A tale of Ender the pirate abbreviated and shortened due to the length is not that long but the adjectives are useful making rum I meant room seem bigger in the book
There once was a pirate named Ender. Who roamed the wild seas in search of venture and treasure? He searched with his ship the Black Skimmer which he and his crew loved for the long haul and easy smuggling. The ventures were fierce and the pay was small but to be a pirate was all this crew could want to be. They would sing a song and sail along on the high sea... So there they were about to capture a merchant man ship off the coast of Japan. Silk, pottery, golden objects, when the current started to carry them away from the prize ship. The crew of course of a duck, bear, and Ender could not do much but watch as the prize floated outside their range.
The current swiped the Black Skimmer along the narrow current path through the sea towards the Chinese Sea and out towards the ocean. Ender was singing along and the duck at the helm was quacking for all he was worth. The bear having missed a chance to plunder was into the rum and honey and not thinking much more then that the world was a venture that was weird at times and that honey on the paws is something sweet.
The wind blew the current brought up drowned ships older then times itself. One even looked like a UFO. There were roman vessels; there were Chinese junks, Viking long boats, not just one or two ole 1500 century pirate ships but more then dozen flying the skull and cross bones. Time shift to a similar person but in a different time zone.
This is a simple story of a space battle, such a tale as may be told by a pirate who is no writer to a reader who is no pirate. The morning of Sunday, the seventh of day of June 2013, was bright and cold. The wake up call of the captain was sounded rather late, for the snakes, wearied with long voyage, were to have a day at port inNew York Cityprior to destroying and conquering the planet for their own evil design to end human kind. The snake people were here for revenge and were ahead of the heavenly ship by eight years. Within seven years they will have conquered the world and made the humans their slaves both mentally and physically destroying, murdering, and causing wars that would destroy a full four fifth of the worlds population. The men in black were hopeless in fighting the snakes and the worlds governments had be influenced by the snakes to build their bunkers within the worlds crust which would be nuked to a French fry causing no people to be able to live there. But that day that day prior to Nibils arrival was such a strange day. The snake people dressed as human wondered throughNew Yorkusing their stolen credit cards to buy what they wanted and make the jewelry stores their profit for a lifetime and since they would only live another few days. Well that was their day. AS a pirate this is where I came upon this viewing. Pirates viewing are a bit different from a seer’s viewer or fortune tellers. Ender the Pirate was hoping only for a profit. Now how did a land dwelling pirate end up p in space one might ask and that is the jest of the story The portals to other worlds and realms was opened to him due to his riding the great skimmer into the tidal cycle that wove around earth and ate ships, isle, and whole continents at times. The story goes Ender was about to take the ship little Endeavor from Ms. Churchill off the coast of Japan in 1500s when the tide pulled the skimmer into a slush pill of other ships and tings. The cycle pulled and pushed and the skimmer was pulled out into the ocean from theChineseSeawithin minutes of it being sucked into the tide. There Ender was forced to reconsidered life and chances. The first encounter on the tidal cycle was other survivors looking for food.
Piracy is soothing to think about these days
Pirates have been around since Caesar’s and before his days
A little booty a little loot goes far these days
The pirate named Ender the claw was something special in his days
He sailed the ocean on-board the Black Skimmer ship in those days
Looting and piracy was common occurrences in those days
Piracy was common thief in those days
story of threes... you have heard it. The accident happened then another and a third just for the kicks of it. You have to be ready for anything. I do not know what I am, but I have survived again. The third attempt I survived or is there more. What happens next... that is the story... right leg, left foot gone, hearing almost gone, humor how a person trying to kill me with a zip gun attempted murder, and well, the world is out to get someone. But, why this life was to be a bookworm. What could I have done? Alternatively, It could have been... that is a question I do not understand... seated here I realize I should have taken a left corner instead of a right. I would have been next to there... that make no sense... perhaps try something else... a book an author... a poet maybe ... I tried a bit a professional ... perchance I could have been a marine... Or stand against the odds... how I would catch to work against the dragons... what is life like what to say what to do... the tale of ender the pirate most know... Welcome back to the presentation of how the world is nowadays...
There is an Almighty that I know .. I knew of him for a while. He is great and terrible his world is not that which I would be a choice for this life.
I do know that his domain is coming closer. Ceres or Nebular or somewhere else where is Heaven and then that makes there a hell. What will happen? The wars, the peace called by everyone but fulfilled by none. Earthquakes in diverse places, volcano, wars, the world is coming apart per verses in the Bible. Why? What purpose? If the end is known why play the game?
That is the question- is there an alternative world or domain or universe? Is hell the outcome for all those that are not proper or wanting to be right? That is weird about the questioning... I heard the story from someone from the ole country. What to do? Why three what is the secret. What is the story?
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