Talent Agency Representing Women


Can you please tell my readers about your agency? 


I saw a need for women representation especially for above the line women filmmakers and decided to transform my production company into a talent management. This is very important because without an agent or manager it is almost impossible to get general or pitch meetings in the Hollywood Industry. Our clients who have an agent and/or manager to represent them now will have the opportunity to knock on more doors and more likely for doors to be opened. When you don’t have representation, your material is considered unsolicited therefore you can’t get pass the gatekeepers. Also if you want to get an agent or manager you have to have a referral.

Ms. Adut, what are your current projects on Youtube and Vimeo, and please provide links.

I have 2 ongoing projects right now. On one hand, I am the founder of the #youtoo movement which is about mostly psychological and emotional abuse. And how it can become even more dangerous when it escalates, although it is as psychologically damaging as it is. I began with telling my own stories in my previous marriage and some bullying trouble I had at work but now I started to interview other men and women to hear their stories. I am hoping to raise more awareness. Please subscribe to my page and follow, we publish every Friday a new episode: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtJoUBKp1G77xB_gKCbr3dg

I also started doing interviews for my documentary project Searching for God(dess) which can be found on my vimeo page. 


For both of these I am accepting requests, questions and guests who have stories to tell.

Ms. Adut, your agency has Directors, Writers, and Producers. Are you going to add Actors, and Actresses too?

Not at the moment possibly in the future. I feel like actors don’t have as much of a hard time finding agents. Therefore I am starting with a niche of women filmmakers on the creative side.

Ms. Adut, are there any project currently your agency is working on? Do you have film teasers on them?

Aside from my own project Searching for God, we are keeping them confidential at the moment. But we will start pitching our clients work and upon their permission I might be able to announce more films publicly. I only own my own project so I’d be happy to share my teaser for the doc I am currently fundraising: https://vimeo.com/462021265

Ms. Adut, work in Hollywood is often times about money. Is the agency working with any investors or will there be promotions for films via Gofundme and other self funding films?

If our clients choose to do go for crowdfunding we will be supportive of that in any means. Currently we don’t have any investors. Our goal is to introduce ourselves as a new agency in town and get meetings. We will try our clients work to be picked up or funded.  https://mailchi.mp/34756a274b90/queen-bs-agents-launch

Ms. Adut, many states offer different benefits to film companies to produce films in their states is your agency working with any different states outside of California?

We have started as a very small boutique agency in California however I do have some connections in South Carolina, Atlanta and also international connections in Istanhul. It is possible in the future we might open more branches in several places.

Ms. Adut, many directors are starting their own Apple platforms to share their films via Apple to challenge Netflix, Amazon, etc. Is that a consideration for any of the projects you are working to get made?

The latest film I worked on “The Dissident” which is being considerdd for Academy Awards 2021 is on Apple too. I see it as a great potential place for distribution. We will definitely do some more research on that and look at our options.

Ms. Adut, can you please describe what your agency does for writers in helping sell their services?

Our biggest help will be, we are going to introduce our writers wherever they would like to take their scripts at and pitch their stories. Our goal is to help them turn their script pages into film or television productions and come to full fruition.

Ms. Adut, what question did you wish I had asked? And what is the answer?

Do you think this will create change in the industry and help women filmmakers? Most certainly it will but as we are starting with baby steps, we appreciate all kinds of love and support to our new endeavor.


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