Interview with Hop Donki



Hop Donki, my readers will not know you. Can you tell us about yourself?

From 2003 till 2013 I directed a printed magazine in my home country Colombia. It mainly covered the Colombian war against its indigenous Nations and small farmers communities.

In 2012 I decided to transition into musical activism. Last month I released “43”, my first music video on YouTube. The song’s title refers to a group of 43 indigenous students who got tortured and chopped by CIA trained Mexican Army troops. 

Hop Donki, you have put out are there more to come?

Yes, I’m working on my second music video. It will be released in December or January 2021. It’s about the ongoing anti monarchy movements in Thailand, Spain and the UK.

Hop Donki, I know you have been censored so I am asking you to tell your story about that.

My Journalistic work in Colombia was mainly censored by big Media and the University System. Also the general population on the whole despise truth tellers accusing us of anti patriotism. 

Hop Donki, antiwar message: what do you have to say on that topic?

Industrial war corporations are the same ruling over the political system in the countries waging wars. Counter information must be released in effective, massive ways. That’s why I decided to transition into the musical realm in order to gain real massive information channels for wistle blowers and investigative journalists.

Hop Donki, The topic is a bit more specific this time.  I noticed around 2017 that people that I enjoyed were getting pushed aside.  Meaning specifically I loved watching how people lived and got shares, likes, or comments on some of the most wonderful photos of themselves.  To me somewhere someone has decided that person either had too much influence or for some reason needed to be censored. You were one of those people. I would like to know why you think you are censored?

I wasn’t publicly active in 2017. But I saw Both progresive and Libertarian pundits being censored together with conservatives. Specifically in the US or seems like in order not to be censured you have to be a  bipartisan neolib/neocon. In the case of censorship against orthodox neocons it only occurs when they happen to be telling the truth. 

This is yet again, a confirmation of the premises that influenced my decision to move into the viral music industry:  They can’t mess around with pop artists as much as they do with true journalists.

Hop Donki, do you feel that certain platforms that are using free content provided by their users are censoring people and why?

That’s  a fact. They’re labor camps where workers must comply or face the consequences Big technocrats are part of the cream of the crop of the Neolib/nNeocon establishments and they feel like they have to impose this doctrinal guidelines unto the population.

Hop Donki, from your perspective what ideology or ideas do you have that you feel are being hidden by the platforms?  What have you started to do about it?

I don’t care If I agree or not with the people who are being suppressed. No idea is as dangerous as the belief that dangerous ideas must be suppressed. The big problem with that premise is the diabolical entanglement of deciding who gets to say when that suppression must be applied. 

Hop Donki, the culture war of killing culture whether past statues or history or anything do you have anything you want to share on the current trend where certain people instead of living let live are allowed to destroy public property and private property just because someone says it is okay?

This is not a black and white subject. The main issue with me is that effective activism has priorities. Protest against war, persecution of Wikileaks and whistle blowers should be put first until reaching satisfactory results. I despise statues honouring Columbus, a despicable man who was condemned to death penalty by the Spanish courts for his multiple horrific crimes he committed against the priests who dared to offer medical attention to the indigenous who survived his masacres. His lawyers managed convince the courts to give him life sentence instead of death row. Public sites and tax payer money invested on honour to that confirmed thug are an insult to the public and inherently disinformative. But do I approve on giving it a priority? No. Now if someone wants to honour Vlad Draculea, Hitler, Stalin, Bush, Obama, Manson, Freddy Kruger, Columbus or any other massive killer, fictional or historical, in their own property, using their own money  that’s not my problem and none of my business.

Censorship is a means of restricting communication and can be used by the big business or government for many reasons. That media is a propaganda tool which spreads disinformation or lack of information seems not to be what the constitution had meaning freedom of speech. Meaning the idea of fifth estate or someone holding public, government, religion, and others independently responsible for their actions seems to have gone out the door. The question to you after this rant is what would you like seen done about it or  what can or could you personally do about it meaning Youtube, start your own newsletter etc or should be done about it at a political or public level?

I have seen antiwar political figures like Tulsi Gabbard and Ron Paul being crushed by the collusion of big tech and bipartisanship. I am not very optimistic about a massive victory for our cause. Masses are part of state crime. Even if censorship from big tech companies ended, the masses would still continue to censore truth tellers. Perhaps the main lesson I got after a decade of intense journalism in South America is that the masses are even worse


Where do you stand on political correctness? Meaning one side claims moral standing however their impact shows that allowing them to destroy public works of art seem controversial only to one side of the political side in the United States. Should both sides be allowed to live or should PC be allowed to kill off the other side's opinions? Or for a third party point of view. What about the costs of censorship? Meaning it seems to be raising my insurance premiums while the politicians fiddle doing nothing to stop public unrest or bring closure to people's resentment.

This a topic for a long PODCAST! But I’ll just say that it’s interesting to see the so called liberals assuming the conservative role: some of the statues of nefarious genocides like Columbus, if any, should be despised by conservative minded people! Crazy days!


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