Interview followup with Marcia Squier candidate for Senate for the state of Michigan



Follow up with Marcia Squier -

1.Professional wise, being a senator means making bills. What bill would you sponsor that would help United States citizens the most? 

I believe a GI Bill for All with a community service option would help a tremendous amount of people, but ending the failed war on drugs, retroactivity legalizing cannabis and decriminalizing drug use, by repealing the Controlled Substances Act, would probably help the most people all across the board, not just those seeking health insurance and a higher education. These 2 things combined would be beneficial to everyone overall.

2.How would you write a bill to make into a law to audit where 23 trillion dollars in the US military be recovered?

I would like to write a bill that appropriates and limits funding to ⅓ of the total budget to each of the 3 branches of government. Our current model of 50+% is top-heavy, unsustainable, inappropriate and irresponsible, to say the least. I would also like to write legislation that clearly defines heavy consequences for those responsible for "misplacing" funds.

3.Antiwar matters to a great idea.  Have you talked to antiwar people groups on Facebook, etc? What do they say about your ideas?

I have spoken with antiwar groups both online and in person. The two groups that stand out to me are the antiwar military veterans and Iraqi/Chaldean-Americans who were forced to flee their secular nation and protected status after the Iraq war took out Saddam Hussein. I live in a city dominated by people of Chaldean descent, and am honored to have their support as much as the veterans, and anyone else speaking up for peace. We need to stop both World War 3 & Civil War 2.

4.How can people volunteer with your candidacy? (Meaning what website or email address can they help you with the last part of your campaign.)

People can endorse and/or donate to my campaign at

Volunteer via Email:


Twitter- @triple_marcia

Catch my YouTube interviews: (Marcia Squier for US Senate)

5.Please write five questions you wished I had asked and answer them.

  1. Why Green Party?- Because I'm an Independent (not democrat or republican) who aligns with the green party's pro-peace, noncorporate platform. As the only noncorporate party, being 4th largest in America (plus International Green Parties) is quite impressive for a relatively young party.

  2. Favorite part about running for office?- Meeting my kindred spirits- people like me who want to get corporate influence out of politics and end wars.

  3. Least favorite?- Being ignored as both a voter and a candidate by Democrats, Republicans, and mainstream media. We desperately need a new 4th estate that works in the interest of the people, not their corporate overlords.

  4. What's next?- I plan to keep running on behalf of people everywhere who want to restore peace & unity across the land.

  5. Ultimate goal?- Politically speaking, I would love to become the first Green Party Senate Majority Leader. Having any greens in DC would be great. Having a majority green US Senate would be positively historic.


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