Interview with John Richard Myers Candidate for President Alaska Constitution Party.



John Richard Myers as the head of the Alaska Constitution party. Tell people about yourself.

I am the founder and Chairman of the Alaska Constitution Party.  I am also the co-founder and Chairman of the national Life and Liberty Party.  I have served as an elected Republican and Reform Party precinct committeeman.  I have chaired the Montana Libertarian, Reform and Constitution Parties.  I served as Vice-Chairman of the Alaskan Independence Party.  I have two Masters degrees, one in Human Services, the other in Professional Counseling.  I am a Professional Counselor, licensed in Alaska and Montana.  I currently serve as a Behavioral Health Director at a Federally Qualified Health Center. More information on me and my campaign may be found at


John what made you go into politics?

My interest in government and civic responsibility.  I believe it is the duty of all citizens to be civically involved.  Our government is only as good as the people make it.



John, what story do you wish everyone would know about you?

That, as an infant in 1963, I was held up to see President John F. Kennedy when he was in my home town of Great Falls in a parade.  This was before he gave a speech at Malmstrom Air Force Base, shortly before he was assassinated.  



John, what are you happiest you have accomplished in your life?


My higher education and civic involvement.  I believe it is imperative that we all contribute back to our commmunities based on the talents and resources we each possess.  We must use our powers for good.



While you are the leader of the constitution political machine, the policies stated online are there. What policy outside those stated do you think will help the most people? And how would you do it? And how will you support say another president in doing that to help the United States?

We need to implement a Universal Debt Jubilee now!  I would encourage all people, corporations and governments to voluntarily forgive one another’s debts.  I would encourage Congress to forgive all federally held student loans and mortgage debt.



What one thing can you say you have done that has helped people?

I have tried to expose corruption in government for decades, and encouraged people to get involved in the process of self-government.  I have also served the public in the Human Services arena for several decades.  



What outside of politics are you doing during the lockdown?  

Gardening and raising aquarium fish.  It’s therapeutic to Work with the earth and other living things.  



What long-term goal other than winning the presidency are you looking to accomplish?

To build a viable national party, the Life & Liberty Party coalition.  To promote Constitutional government and the Rule of Law.  To restore the Republic.



What question do you wish I had to ask? And what is that answer?

How can people help your campaign?


We need registered voters to step forth and serve as Electors in Arkansas and other states in order to appear on the November ballot.  They may contact my campaign at,  or


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