Interview with Actress, Singer, and Dancer Judy Cerda.


Judy Cerda, thank you for accepting my interview. A bit of a background question for the reader or readers, depending on how my writing goes on this blog. Most of them will wonder who you are. Can you give a story on who you are?

Well I've been an actress, singer and dancer since I was a child. So I've always been involved in the entertainment business in some form or capacity. I started out dancing, then started singing, then did lots of theatre and performances, and then moved on to tv, movies, commercials, music videos and more. TV and films are my favorite kinds of projects but I also dance in lots of music videos, do some theatre performances for team building companies and do role playing for police and doctor training sessions. I act in numerous short films, feature films, commercials and tv shows. I love both comedy and drama with horror being my favorite genre for movies. So you could say I'm an actress and all around performer.


                                                            Judy Cerda

Can you give a personal story that you wished everyone knew that would make them know what makes you. Well, you.

I was very shy as a child. I wanted to act but was too shy so my mother got me into dance lessons taking tap, jazz and ballet. The teacher felt that performing in dance would help me get over my shyness. It pretty much worked as I got all the nervousness out through dancing so pretty soon I was able to audition for theatre productions. I started off being in some choruses with bit parts and then moved on to have lead singing and acting roles in shows such as A Chorus Line and Grease. I really came out of my shell through performing and it helped me grow as a person. I found I could communicate better with others, make friends and become the woman I always wanted to be. When I started doing films, the excitement and the joy of acting in so many roles and seeing myself on the big screen in so many theatres and film festivals really let me know I had chosen the right career. It's always exciting to go to the movies and see a movie I am in play on the screen and see audience members' reactions. I've been in some award winning short films also besides feature films that played in select movie theatres. Seeing these movies play and remembering the good times we had filming them makes it all worth it.

Care to talk about yourself as a professional life. Which part was or is the funnest?

That would be hard to say as I have loved so many roles I've played. I enjoyed my role of Raven Belladonna in Satan's Cemetery which is a great horror movies I did, I loved the role of Gina in In Three Days which played at several film festivals and was great seeing on the big screen, I loved playing Maria in El Camino which is another horror movie I did that played at a big theatre in Salinas and got great reactions, and I loved being the in the movie "Lord Timmy and the Mystery of the Last Master" which is still being edited. I played Agent Donna Kline in Lord Timmy and the Mystery of the Last Master.  I loved playing the lead role of Daisy in Villain which has played in a few movie theatres as part of film festivals. I have played so many good roles that give me very happy memories.


                                                                    Judy Cerda

This is several questions. On a personal note, what is your favorite book? Poem? Movie? And why?

My favorite book is The Secret. That is a wonderful book that deals with the law of attraction and making improvements in your life. I not only read the book but took a six week course on it to learn the principles of it and incorporate it into my life. It's been great for both my professional life and my personal life. My favorite movie of all time was Pearl Harbor because it showed the history of the war and how brave our men were in defending us and having to react so quickly. It made me feel very patriotic and proud of America. I also went to Hawaii and saw the broken ships that had been attacked and heard more of the history of the attacks and how it was handled by a speaker on sight. It was really interesting and I think it's a great thing to do if you visit Hawaii.

What are your currently working and care to promote the project with a bit of information about it? I recently played a comedy role in a political video which imitates a politician around today. My name was Catherine Koch-Kane in it. That will be out shortly and I also just did an audio drama for The Rise of King Asilas which will be out soon, as well as several commercials and a music video called "Remain in the House" with DJ BB Hayes wherein I'm a dancer and a woman deciding whether to go out or not. That will be out shortly. Also, I was in a tv show playing Linda Thomas, a talk show host, called Constitutional Justice which will be on Amazon Prime soon.


                                                        Judy Cerda

What has made you happiest? Or what has made you proudest or glad you did?

I was very happy to be in several famous 3pac music videos as a dancer and to play a 1970's housewife in a music video called The Summer Place for Fountains of Wayne. I was also proud to be in a commercial for Fox News and a commercial for Neckology as a spokeswoman/customer which has gotten lots of publicity. I was in a big movie last year called River of Ghosts playing Macy O'Connor which is still being edited and should be out soon. This movie involved some travel and I had a blast shooting it.

If you can say, what is your current project or motivation?

I mentioned a few of the projects I just worked on recently but I am also going to be filming soon a movie called California Vacation playing the role of Susan, a psychiatrist. I have a few other films coming up as well which I am looking forward to and will elaborate on details later.

What are you doing to relieve stress during this time of home lockdown? Going out as much as I can! Fortunately I have had some fun print modeling shoots, several music videos and several short films during this time which has helped me keep my sanity and I have gone to a few dance parties and have spent many days on the beach! My husband and I have become quite the beach goers lately and I do lots of walking since my Jazzercise studio is shut down. This has been frustrating and quite depressing so I am hoping this awful lockdown will be over soon. Let's pray for it.


                                                            Judy Cerda

Do you have a charity that you support? If so can I get the link and information on it.

Santa Cruz SPCA and ASPCA. These are both great organizations that take care of animals who have been neglected and abused. Nothing makes me angrier than hearing of someone harming an animal, especially cats and dogs, or neglecting them. Donating to these organizations is so helpful to give these animals a place to live and pay the workers to take care of them and provide for them. I love cats especially and want to see them all have happy lives.

                                                   Judy Cerda

What question did you wish I had asked? Could you ask it and care to provide an answer? What's your favorite place to vacation?

Las Vegas. Our vacation was cancelled due to this awful lockdown and was so disappointing. I am hoping that it will open up completely with all its nightclubs such as Encore and Carnival Court opened up again soon so we can reschedule our vacation. I am a total nightlife person and love to go out at night dancing or singing in karaoke bars. I have been missing this so much so can't wait to do it again and I'll appreciate it even more. I also love the shopping there as the malls are fantastic there and so are the restaurants. I am so ready for a great vacation again.

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