Interview with Actress, Model Tess Broussard


Tess Broussard, thank you for accepting my interview. A bit of a background question for the reader or readers, depending on how my writing goes on this blog. Most of them will wonder who you are. Can you give a story on who you are?

I came here to LA for university and received my degree in marketing and paralegal. I was always into fitness and became a fitness model which segued into acting. I then discovered I had a love for comedy. I also became a spokesmodel for Fortune 500 companies like Cadillac , GMC, and Budweiser. I was also on Comedy Cemtral’s Kroll Show for 3 years. I had such an amazing time there.  In the midst of this, I built a family life and had a daughter. I’ve always loved animals and used my status to bring awareness to animal rights and no kill rescue shelters.


Can you give a personal story that you wished everyone knew that would make them know what makes you. Well, you.

I’ve always loved entertaining. As a kid, I was in the Romper Room. I was ecstatic to be on it. I had the desire to entertain at a very early age. So essentially, I'm a people person and I like to bring a smile to a person’s face.


Care to talk about yourself as a professional life. Which part was or is the funnest?

Given all the glamour you see on the outside, it boils down to being professional and focused. Funniest part - I was a ring girl at a boxing match in Vegas and my heel got stuck on the soft padding of the boxing ring. I lost my balance and fell holding the sign. I was horrified.The audience was shocked and so quiet. But I took a deep breath and got up , dusted myself off and held the sign up high and then I heard the crowd cheer. I can honestly say now that was a funny moment b/c I am able to laugh at myself and at my follies.


On a personal note, what is your favorite book?

Fav book - anything by James Patterson. Why- James Patterson novels are thrillers , exciting and gritty. I’m such a scaredy cat , I don’t watch horror or any extreme violence on screen, so to live and learn through these moments via reading are fascinating for me . Plus the good guys always win in his books.

What has made you happiest? Or what has made you proudest or glad you did?

Happiest and proudest moments -being a mom and working on a sitcom.


If you can say, what is your current project or motivation?

Working on youtube sketches that will be coming out, along with auditioning.

What are you doing to relieve stress during this time of home lockdown?

Play with my pets, tend to my garden, and work out.


Do you have a charity that you support? If so can I get the link and information on it.

Dogs without Borders. I got my dogs from there . They pull small dogs from la based high kill shelters and provide a safe place for them to be adopted. Link is

Dreams: what project or script or actor or actress would be a dream for you to get to work with?

Dream job - to do a comedy project with Gina Rodriguez, Dr. Ken Jeong, Michaela Watkins, and Nicole Byer.

Sites to find out more about Tess Broussard


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