Life of a bear

A woman asks what happened. I lie. I tell her that I was at the Great Salt lake pushing my boat in when I saw a salt lake shark go after a pregnant woman and her two kids who were swimming nearby. I say I got them out of the water by the shark got my ankle. The difference is, I lie for a reason. The truth is the following: Being brought up being brought up not to lie has its disadvantages. June 2013, I was asked to lie after finding some data that was wrong. My mind could not handle that. My body reacted negatively. I went to the doctor and was told to exercise. I joined a gym that day and then went and watched World War Z. My body felt a pain as if it was swollen or had been bitten by a spider. I walked out of the movies and threw up.. I thought I had over exercised, and that weekend iced and had my ankle evaluated. Monday came, and I went to work. I could not handle the pain and went to the urgent care which x-rayed the ankle gave me some medicine to stop the pain. That night I threw up five gallons of water. I went to the emergency care clinic. They quickly called an ambulance which they gave me a ride to the hospital in which my insurance did not cover. The hospital held me for seven days releasing me at night to have a nurse come and medicate me at home. I was in so much pain the neighbors called the fire department, which after hearing what I had gone through told me to walk it off. The nurse came at night saw me and loaned me 15 dollars cash to get a taxi ride to the ER. The same night as being released, they took me in and took a foot long two-inch deep cut from my ankle because of flesh eating disease that was found. The following 17 days, I lost more than 24 pounds because of acid reflux. I placed in an old folk’s home. The first week I thought that the place was a miracle place because people switched out so fast of their rooms, and I was walking during the night saying hello to everyone because they were not sleeping either. A few days of this and I found out I was in the hospice section of the home. They wheeled their dead out around 4 AM each morning. During this time, they gave me more medicine enough medicine that I lost touch with reality. I ended up talking to people that no one else spoke with. Their stories and tales were awful. I stayed in the hospice section for two weeks not able to sleep well at all. The people were lovely and waved to me often in my drug-induced state. I spoke with them. Since I could speak a bit I became sort of the concerned citizen because I noticed that the staff for lunch would forget people. I stayed there a total of a month and half. My company gave me my walking papers in a hospice wing. Meaning they laid me off and hired another person within a few months without trying to rehire me. That is my recollection of that summer. Instead of lying, my body rejected the notion and ate my ankle. Not to lie has its disadvantages.  


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